Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Worst Tom Cruise Movie

The question of the worst may seem like a trick because some of you want to answer All Of Them.  I think some of them are pretty good but that list won't be extended by "Oblivion," an exceptionally weak sci-fi movie I've just watched.

Perhaps you will think I'm being unfairly harsh in calling it a bad movie when its only problems are a plot that would embarrass any science-fiction writer who ever lived, continuity that would make a four-year-old sound like Socrates, and one other tiny oversight:  he plays a young stud but only those with substantial visual impairment would accuse him of being young.

There were two very good aspects to the movie and these came in the forms of Olga Kurylenko and Andrea Riseborough.  Both are quite beautiful women but the movie could not have been saved even had they got naked and given us lesbian sex on a trapeze.

The only saving grace is that I didn't pay for it.  File-stealing, I mean sharing, is such a beautiful thing.

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