Saturday, August 10, 2013

More Abandoning Paradise

Since I'm broke and have nothing better to do, more thought has been going into "Abandoning Paradise" and I decided it made no sense to describe abandoning paradise if I didn't say what was Paradise about Greece.  Therefore I've been expanding the introduction to the story.  This, as with the conclusion, isn't an adaptation of material I've already written on the blog so it will take a bit to complete it.

I realise that reading about writing is about as interesting as watching a cricket match and it doesn't have the compensation of the disgusting but delicious hotdogs they serve at sporting events.

So the other aspect of life at the moment is getting things moving with Andromeda.  My ears already ring like hell so I don't suppose it makes much difference if I play rippin' loud and I've been doing that ... and enjoying it thoroughly.  I still don't have the cable I need for recording but I may get down to see my cuz later today and perhaps I can find it then.

I've also been spending some time watching PSMs (Previously Stolen Movies) on the computer and if you think "Braveheart" is a gut-ripping flick, try watching it in Scotland.  I watch the first part of that up to when his girlfriend gets murdered and I have tears streaming down my face.  Any hint of pacifism in me disappears altogether and I'm right with him on the righteousness of killing Englishmen.  Mel Gibson may be a racist, anti-Semitic pigdog but he sure can make one hell of a movie.

There's been a lot of encouragement to get on The Dole which is a complex government benefit in the United Kingdom that goes far past unemployment compensation, etc.  This is related to "Braveheart" insofar as I feel that doing this only means I would be owned by the government and I very much believe it is better to starve.  While I haven't met anyone from the Fraser clan, I also feel it would be shaming them if I proceeded with it.  I don't feel any particular guilt over getting medical support and I'm going ahead with it but asking for a financial handout particularly given that I have never paid anything into the system just isn't right.  If you can't handle living on tuna and rice, you're not ready for this game.


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