Thursday, March 6, 2014

Even in Celebrating Truth the American News Lies - Updated

Liz Wahl, a news anchor for Russia Today, announced on the air that she would quit because she would not support Putin's intervention in Crimea.  (Russia Today is the only news channel of any value to me.  They are soft on Putin or Russian affairs but they are outstanding in coverage of the rest of the world.  American news channels aren't useful for either topic so I watch RT.)

American news channels were all over this story and the 'patriots' started jumping in the air and weeping as they saw the beauty of free speech, particularly if it embarrasses Putin.

What they left out of the story was that Abby Martin led the stand-off on RT against Putin but they didn't give her any coverage as they've already painted her as the Russian propagandist.  The American news channels couldn't show her now as a freedom fighter as that would reveal their original lie.  Even in celebrating truth, the American news networks lie.

Update:  there has been an increasing focus on Martin including an interview with Piers Morgan within recent hours.  It's good to see she gets the respect she has earned.

Here is Abby Martin standing up by herself to speak the truth and this is what started it.  I admire this woman tremendously.

The reaction from RT is calm and I agree with it:  RT reacts to anchor Liz Wahl quitting on air.  Their take is that what Martin did was news and what Wahl did was grandstanding.  Fair enough.

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