Sunday, September 6, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog 9/6

Sep 5, 2015, 4 comments

So that should be an unusual mix of unusuality and it's all the more unusual in The Silas Scarborough Reality Show seems to appear three times but those are three different episodes.  No way to tell from this which is which, tho.

There's not any attempt to spin anything as everything is spinning anyway.  That's ok as you learn something in bellydancing called 'spotting' and each time you spin around, you spot on the same thing, person, object, or whatever.  Or you can choose not to do that and fall over after a few spins.

Here at the Rockhouse, there's the luxury of only needing to spot on some important things and letting everything else become a blur.  That's ok as there was never any particular reason to pay any attention to anything else anyway.

And one thing which didn't rate an article.  Lighter fluid works really great on a burn.  I'll clean the screen for a pipe by burning it.  This time the goo melted and some dripped onto the back of my hand.  This is total blazing corruption and it needs to be gone right now, every scrap of it, as it hurts and it will creep into my blood and poison all my molecules.  So, yah, lighter fluid.  It dissolved that sticky nasty goo highly effectively.  It was a bit hurty but it seriously got it done.  Followed that with some Neosporin and it's immaculate today.  It's still got to fix the bit which got burned but it seems well ahead of where it should be.

You won't get something infected by pouring lighter fluid or gasoline on it.  You are guaranteed it will hurt like blazes but it will damn sure get clean.  If you're a real fookin' Rambo, you can light it to cauterize it.  If you're bad-ass enough to even think about that then you probably know when it's warranted.  As for me, I'm going to bleed out.  Set myself on fookin' fire?  Will not happen.

(Ed:  isn't this only of use if your Jeep breaks down in the African jungle and you are severely mauled by an angry hippopotamus but you can use the spare gas can from the Jeep to clean the wounds?)

Well, sure, mostly that's true.  It never hurts to think ahead, tho.

I've used fuel as an antiseptic multiple times, tho.  I'm deathly afraid of disgusting things creeping into my corpuscles and there are shitloads of them in water so cleaning a wound needs something without tiny disgusting things in it.

Note:  if you do this, do try to avoid smoking at the same time.  Not such a good plan.

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