Sunday, September 27, 2015

Eva Moon, Writer

Eva Moon is someone I've always known as a musician but latterly she has been moving strongly into writing with multiple stage performances of her work.  (Link is to her Facebook writer page and its title is the same as the name of the article)

The impression likely anyone would take from Eva Moon's music is the wit of her lyrics.  That's interesting by itself as lyrics often aren't the biggest attractant to a set.  lefty Unplugged and Mario Zecca are two for whom there are varying levels of appreciation of their poetry and it's beautiful poetry but not necessarily with the same witty delivery.  For this, witty is sparkling, fascinating, interesting, exciting, etc, etc.  lefty and Mario write to different purposes and their wit is expressed in a different way.

Note:  the above is not for a hard comparison but rather a reference to styles.

There's bravery in making the move to define yourself solely as a writer at any age beyond, say, twenty.  Eva Moon is a far cry from the age of this example but she's a great one anyway.  What motivated Grandma Moses to take up painting at eighty.  And she killed at it.

But the important thing, most of important of all ... perhaps ... is how many spaces one should put after the period at the end of the sentence.

(Ed:  who would talk about such piffling trivia?)

Well, I would ... and Eva Moon would.  Eva does not like using two spaces and this is important relative to proportional fonts but not so much to some prig (i.e. me) who insists on using two spaces even though it's not mandated in the One True Writer's Bible (i.e. The Elements of Style).  Eva Moon noted this apparent oversight and also remarked, "Two spaces create rivers of white spaces through your text file."

Well, we don't want rivers of white space, do we.

Actually, I do.  The alternative to rivers of white space is the absence of those rivers with the result being a giant monolith of letter stew.

(Ed:  giant monolith of letter stew?)

Not bad, huh?  Love your dictionary.  It is your friend.

Eva Moon breaks out as a writer and she will do that based on her wit and vitality.  Here, at the Rockhouse, however, we believe in heavy metal in music and, wtf, heavy metal in writing.  Our assessment of Eva Moon is a talented, witty woman with big balls to go after whatever fulfills her art.

(Ed:  that started heavy metal and ended kind of poofy)

Yah, well.  I suck at heavy metal also.

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