Monday, September 28, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog - Preferred List


Ted Cruz - what respect comes harder than duck respect.  A Socialist meme.  You can tell by the absence of spelling errors.  Tasteless.

He's Busted - one review said hilarious.  Thank you, thank you.  Unknown if this one is bad taste but it could qualify ... which is good.

Aruba - this one is actually doing some writer stuff - historical document.  People seem to appreciate it and I appreciate that as my concern had been that it was over-dramatized.  This one was a difficult but satisfying scribe.

Can't Find My Way - master guitarists, finest in the world

Ted Cruz ... well, well, Ted boy.  Hopefully you can at least learn this.  Tasteless ... and people love it (larfs)

Death is Easy - sure it is but the story is about comedy which damn sure is hard.  Nice Aruba pics too.

Budge - More tastelessness but ... you really hate that, don't you (larfs some more)

Who Reads - article is much less self-deprecating than you may assume.  Silas video in it as well.

Klonopin - the stuff is dangerous.  Understand prescription meds.  Assuming they are benign will bury you.

The Great Hosea - another historical document in which I don't think police were involved, at least I don't think so.  Hopefully amusing.  Yep, probably tasteless as well.

This is a rerun as this is a decent (i.e. tasteless) list plus a bit of beef in some of them.  Yep, this can represent nicely (i.e. tastelessly).

Looks like a 50/50 mix on tastelessness.  Excellent progress (i.e. more tasteless than it was).

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