Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ejecting the Tea Party from the Republican Party ... for the Sake of Pride

The Tea Party embarrasses America in front of the world. The so-called Republican debates have been an end-to-end disgrace.

The GOP has catered to these phony Republicans but it's a questionable policy as the Party is being trashed by them on a daily basis.

If the Democrats select Clinton as the nominee, it will only show that party is just as corrupt as its opponent and the irony is the Democrats try to chase Bernie Sanders out of that list in exactly the same way as the Tea Party:  Bernie Sanders is a Socialist.  Anyone with any thought of socialism is obviously a pinko Commie.

Comments about socialism indicate a fundamental lack of knowledge of the American system and it's not clear, other than abject stupidity, why anyone accepts or tolerates it, particularly the GOP.

If the Tea Party wants publicity, make them earn it.  As it stands, they ride on the back of the GOP like two-dollar crack whores and Boehner's protest today is the first hard shot from the GOP at what they do.  They preach and they shut down the government.  Apart from that, the Tea Party has never accomplished anything.

Bernie Sanders is man enough to deal with this sort of situation.  He knows very well the Democrats may disrespect him and he continues regardless.  There is no-one on the GOP list with that kind of backbone, not even close.  Unlike the Tea Party, Bernie Sanders does get things done and they're for the good of America, not for some petty, third-world (i.e. Arkansas) agenda.

We're hoping the GOP will serve up a worthy opponent but it's not likely when they keep finding these pandering trash monkeys to represent them.

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