Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Working on Some Tasteless for You - It's Not Like a Political Speech and Needs Thinking

We're sure there are some opportunities in tastelessness as, it's America, where else would you go for it.

(Ed:  Europe?)

Right you are, Mister Ed.  You're turning out to be a smart horse.  Do you know any dirty stories?

(Ed:  I'm a horse.  How dirty can it get?)

Well, you tell me, man.  That's why I ask.

(Ed:  I jumped over a fence once even though I knew you didn't want me to do it)

I tell you, Gus.  I'm not really sure you're understanding tasteless.  Work with me on this.

(Ed taps his hoof on the ground to indicate agreement)

Now you're sounding like a Republican and their dirty stories always involve dead women or live boys.

(Ed:  you stole that line)

That I did.  Show me a comedian who does not steal and I will show you a comedian who is telling elephant jokes.

Q.  So do you know why elephants wear red sneakers?
A.  So they can hide in strawberry patches.

The stolen line:

The only way you can get busted in Washington is if you get caught in bed with a dead woman or a live boy.

That's been a standard for a long, long time.

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