Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Happy Holidays...

A preview of the start of festivities with my family in the Kingdom of Butterflies. Me and King Padre are doing the fusion dance to try and join the yellow beasts into one super beast. Results are indertiminable so far. From all of us in Ithaka, we wish you all a Happy Holidays no matter what you choose to celebrate or believe, much love to you all. Be awesome to one another.
~ Seraphin

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My Novel

I got exciting and long awaited news this week. My first novel, which i spent years on, is being reviewed and edited. This is something near and dear to my heart since Silas was the first to ever look it over and give me feedback. Work is underway on the sequel but the truly exciting part is that there is for the first time in a while. Visible progress on all fronts :)
Much love to you all

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Circle: An In Depth Review of Humanity through an otherwise dull film

Spoilers ahead! Proceed at your own risk....

The Circle is a film that as a whole is largely of little entertainment value. The plot revolves around a single room with a group of individual trapped in one spot. I say trapped because should they exit the circle they are standing in they are immeadiately excecuted by a bright laser type stream,of light.

The group is a seemingly random collection of individuals. However as the story progresses, it becomes clear that these people were most likely placed as a representation of the population as a whole. They appear as any person you might see on the street. Theres a high profile buisness type, a soldier, a cop, a thug, a couple having an affair together, a mother to be, a child and several more.

Now as one of the participants figures out and explains to the group, and by extension, the audience, the circle is not randomly selecting people to kill every few minutes. The movement of everyones hands is causing a "vote" on who dies next.

Now what makes this interesting is that as you watch. Initially it is fractured and chaotic and all you want is for them to stop being idiots and band together.

This is a terribke fucking idea.

Because once they band together, and begin to organize, initially to buy time, they start by voting for the elderly to buy time to figure out whats happening. There is one boy, merely sixteen or seventeen, who sacrifices himself for the group. He doesnt know what else to do and he hopes that mayb this last kindness will help others.

There are a short number more who sacrifice themselves because it is inevitable. They have lost hope but had contributed during their time before it ended.

Now what truly stands out are a few specific instances.

The first being the backlash against the first to try and organize the group, when his methods, as thoughtout, and seemingly reasonable as they may be, when the majority no longer feel protected by his voting dictates, he is immeadiately dispossed of.

This is not surprising, throughout history, those who have been trying to help have been killed for it. Humans protect themselves naturally. Those willing to become a target for others is the exception.

Now the next part that stands out is the cop pointing out a thug who had beaten the crap out of his girlfriend for cheating on him. Now the thug knows admitting anything will get him killed, Because if anything, humans overall are a fairly violent and vengeful race. It is only with effort that we can be better. But i digress, the thug, adamantly denies the claims until its clear he is fucked, at which point he tries to justify it and blame her cheating for his behavior. She smugness of the group when they kill him is very clear.

Now as the group dwindles it basically splits into 2 tribes. Those trying to make it out at all costs, and those trying to guarantee either the little girl or the mother to be make it out. This gets fairly heated and results in several more deaths while further showing some fairly instinctual aspects of the process of death, including bargaining.

I skip to the final portion because "tribal conflict" and "us vs them" is a whole other topic, and the final portion is where it really lands one to the gut.

Seriously tho, if you want to watch the movie and hate to have the ending given away. Stop reading now!
I'm serious, im about to discuss the ending of the movie.
You've been warned.

Now as i was saying, the ending here is a gut punch, Especialy if youve been spending this movie trying to decide howd youd survive this same type of ordeal and ended up on the side of, I prolly can't so we save the kid or unborn.

So it comes down to one of the "I must save them" tribe, the kid, and the mother to be. And right here is where it fucked me up. The dude explains that he cant be the one to decide which of them dies. So it comes down to the LITTLE FUCKING GIRL! Who this entire time has been terrified and crying and afraid she would be next, which she almost was a few times. This terrified little kid, who barely understands the world, in this moment is the greatest and saddest of humanity.

She chooses to die, to give the baby a future! This scared little girl, gives up her life for another. Shes amazing! So its right here where it kicks you in the teeth and spits in your face, because this is not a feel good film but a pschological head fuck representation of humanity. And its fairly accurate.

So the guy tells the girl its ok and that hell go with her and as he yells at her to "go now" and she jumps from her circle, to be killed, the guy remains unmoved and votes for the mother to be, killing her as well and saving himself.

A snake in the grass the whole time. Humanity easily seeks out and destroys its blatant enemies, while embracing, to its destruction, the enemy in our midst. People have the ability to be either great or terrible. And tho this ending is a kick in the teeth and saying, see, all that work to save them was for nothing. And that may be, but it doesnt lessen the sacrifices of those who tried, because as we see in the final moments, amongst other survivors back on a normal street. Other groups did save the mother to be or the kid. So it may not work in Your group, but remember yours is not the only group.

Basically, never give up, because you might fail, but failing is not the worst that can happen to you. Also, people suck, but they Can be so much better when they try.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Philosophers Society: The Beginnings.

The first meeting of the Philosopher's Society went very well. We have begun with questions to get to know one another. We are a group who tend to expand on topics and find tangents to those topics, however we remain productive as we get to know one another further. We have diverse backgrounds, diverse opinions and experiences and i believe this will serve our discussions well as we go forward.

Today began with a basic 101 of what Philosophy is, what common fallacies are and a look at inductive and deductive reasoning. A good site for understanding fallacies is:

Philosophy is the study of ways to address fundamental questions in all other fields. Basically, question everything. Do not merely accept something, question it. Ask why or how. Learn from those we are speaking with. This does not mean we must agree with them, but it is a downfall that in recent years the ability to discuss and debate without attacking the other person has been lost.

One of the keys that I believe is needed for this is Active Listening. We should stop listening just so we may answer or retort. We must listen to other points of view in order to understand what they are saying. Many misunderstandings can be avoided by actually listening to anothers point of view. Furthermore, we may learn something from the experience should we be so lucky.

We went on to discuss briefly our backgrounds, where we come from and what our upbringing was like. We did this to better understand where each person is coming from in the discussions down the road. We have the advantage that with our diverse group, We examine and believe in different things. We acknowledge things in different ways and analyze things differently. Our group holds individuals who ascribe to varying beliefs from christianity to atheism and even pantheism. Beliefs ranging from the strictly provable to the intuitive. Skepticism to mysticism. We acknowledge that we do not agree with one another on things, there are things some of us may find unbelievable or even unrealistic, or close minded. We do not however attack one another, we discuss and we learn one anothers views. The more we learn of others, the better we may peacefully and successfully function in the world.

We will be deciding on a topic in the coming weeks for our next meeting. We further decided that the Society shall meet once per month for our discussions.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Dream God Returns to Dream

The Dream God has now returned to the realm of Dreams. Silas left this realm yesterday afternoon. He is now one with the universe and we wish him well on his travels, whatever those may now be.

The impact Silas had on my life was significant. From an early age i remember looking up to Silas as this cool and mysterious uncle. I had no idea who he was in my early years or what it was that he did but he played guitar and sent me CDs so i was in. I still have Wind on the Waves and Blurb and they are some,of my most inportant posessions and memories. I remember I use to cruise down windy Tennessee backroads with the t-tops down listening to the music and getting lost.

I cant speak much to Silas' professional achievments tho I've heard they were impressive. In fact, i cant rightly even tell you what position he held. None of that was important to me. The man i knew was an inspiration to me, a confidant and a soundboard. I was priveleged enough to perform as an actor and dancer for his concert in Cincinnati and to get to spend time with him in studio. Those were dreams of mine that i was lucky enough to obtain, thanks to the Dream god Silas.

He loved alot, he had high hopes for the future. He said the more we talked and the more passionately I discussed ideas and theories he didnt even know I was aware of, the more hope he had. We discussed politics, Asimov, and various other theories and ideas. I loved those talks. In truth it is largely remembering those talks that has inspired not only the millenial discussions but also the philosophers society.

He was right, change is needed, we may not have always agreed on whay direction or the details of that change but its time for change. And, at least for my part, he helped inspire it.

The world seems a little darker at the moment because we have lost a great and loving man. But with any star, they seem dim and far away until a brilliant supernova illuminates it and sweeps through its vicinity, changing nearly everything they touch and even birthing brand new stars.

Silas can never be replaced. I miss him and I will always love him, ill never forget the things he taught me.

Safe Travels Dream god. Well see you down the road Silas.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Pokemon Go Explained

Pokemon Go, coloquilaly referred to as PoGo, is a free to play, location based, augmented reality game for iOs and Android. The game uses your mobile device's gps to locate, capture, battle, and train creatures called Pokemon. Almost anyone with children in the last twenty-one years can attest to the prevalence of the card and video game.
PoGo was developed by Niantic with the cooperation if Nintendo to take Pokemon into augmented reality world.

Now from a player perspective the way this works is you download the app and login. Once logged in for the first time, a player catches their first pokemon before going off to try and catch more. The premise of the game is to get out of the house, explore the city and area and to catch and battle pokemon while doing so.

Further information on the finer details of gameplay and the system can be found here:

Now as I was asked previously about the reports that PoGo was used by Russian agents in order to create a stir with the prior election, Id like to address that report here.

The report, as I have found it, according to both and CNN, boils down to this: a Faux Black Lives Matter group called "Don't Shoot Us", which is linked to a Russia linked Facebook account. While I lack the intel and resources to confirm or deny what a Russian group, official or not, may have done. What was reported by is thus:

"The group had presences across YouTube and Instagram as well as Facebook, but one of the most bizarre actions the page took was on its Tumblr site. In July 2016 when Pokémon GOfever was at its peak, Don’t Shoot Us created a contest that asked users to travel to sites where police had killed black victims, take over a nearby gym, and station a Pokémon there named after a police violence victim. Then you’d screenshot it, send it in and be eligible for Amazon gift cards."

According to the report, there is no evidence anyone ever entered the contest.

Those aiming this obvious attempt at using tragic instances to try and create a further media buzz, not to help solve the issue, but to cause further tension, clearly did not research the type of person they were aiming at.

There are two main types of player for PoGo, Hardcore and relaxed. Hardcore players are generally only interested in progressing as fast and efficiently as possible, their goal being to dominate the game. Relaxed players tend to be in it more for the fun, the comraderie and/or the exercise. No matter the style, players tend to not to be overly political in regards to playing. They are playing for fun, not to make a statement.

Past just the players, there is no way, within the app in order to message from one player to another. There is no evidence Niantic had anything to do with this attempted event and it is confirmed that all arrangements were made via third party sites. Even tho this did not directly involve Niantic they are reportedly actively looking into the matter proactively.

All that appears to have happened is that organizers attempted to capitalize on a growing world wide phenomon in order to make a stir.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Philosophers Society

I have taken the advice of those that liked Millenial Discussions and expanded it. Following the idea from one of my early posts, I have reached out to a multitude of friends and we will begin holding court soon for the pure purpose of discussion and debate on various topics. Stay tuned. More to come on that as we progress forward.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Millenial Discussions: Change and Acceptance

Horror and I were discussing acceptance the other day as I rearranged the Workshop and Throne Room. Horror is a self proclaimed ass hole and is deffinately not "normal". Which I generally find to be a good thing.  Horror is by no means your standard white cis male, tho many have assumed as much anyway, which is how are convo began. Horror had been attacked on social media fo

Horror has recently been examining themselves and realizing that while he doesnt give a crap if you like him or not, his fuck you if you dont like me attittude has, in his opinion, drifted too close to the realm of uncaring asshole.

While horror is certainly not one lose sleep over someone liking them or not. He does aim to leave the world better than he left it. He does not want to harm others if it can be helped and this revalation has led him to examine the verbage he uses in general because while it may not bother him to be called certain things, cuz "fuck you whatever." He does recognize not everyone is as thick skinned.

This led to several discussions that we have had as of late, including people needimg ro toughen the fuck up, as well as people also needing to he more open and accepting of one another.

As with several of our court, we are very middle of the road, whats the evidence and logic suggest on the issue individuals. We dont choose 'teams' or 'sides' we listen to what is said and make a decision on the actual evidence. And in that vein we end up catching flak from multiple angles in any given debate.

On this matter there are a few things we think should be goals for most any person. Now someone will take offense to one or all of these... But read it through first. Also this is in regards to personal interactions. Not a commentary on protesting, or change that is needed elsewhere.

A. Toughen the fuck up. Youre gona have people who hate you for no legitamte reason, youre gona get called names. Why? Because some people suck, and giving them control over your happiness is what they want. Lashing out emotionally doesnt help you or the cause you support. Furthermore, name calling and insults do not further your cause even if they may temporarily relieve your frustration, and usually its exactly what the other person wanted.

B. Stop being so damned closed minded. Noone cares about how you were raised or how you think it aught to be. And you dont get to tell others how to live their lives. If you dont likes omething, dont do it. But dont think there is anything in this universe that grants you the right to put others down for being happy in a way other than you approve of.

C. Its not that fucking hard to respect someones request to be called by a certain pronoun. Its a word, it aint gonna hurt you, so quite being an asshole. (I say this yet people can barely use one anothers names right when you prefer your given name,to a common nickname, but it should be an active effort to use the persons preffered name and pronouns).

D. Change often doesnt happen overnight and many are actively trying to adjust decades worth of linguistic training. This is not an excuse for those who actively use words that are purely hurtful, cuz fuck them. This is about those he may say something as simple as excuse me, sir or thank you miss. They are clearly not trying to attack you, stop trying to crucify people for an assumption. Politely correct the mistake and move on. If they persist in ignoring your correction, then feel free to blast them for the asshole they are.

Their is a great deal that needs to change and progress into the future but as we are doing so. Stop being such assholes to one another for no reason. Those who deserve it will surely give you a reason so stop looking for it.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Well wishes and love

The Dream God Silas has been paying a visit to his subjects in the dream realm but he has not forgotten any of his loyal and beloved readers. He has been resting but would welcome messages from any and all of you. Please drop a comment below to the Dream Lord Silas. Be it encouragement, well wishes, a funny story, a joke or a memory, i hear he is fond of dreams. Much love to you all.

Love ya Silas, you remain the wind in our sails and the love grows ever more. Say hi to Yogi for me too lol

Thursday, October 19, 2017

#Photography for the Unusual: World 10/20

Sale, UK

Models of Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men being prepared for the opening of an exhibition at the Waterside arts centre showcasing characters developed for Cosgrove Hall television programmes

Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

Well, no, I really don't know what they are either.

Seoul, South Korea

Feline groovy: a pose for photographers at Dongdaemun Design Plaza during Seoul fashion week. For Seoul’s flamboyant followers of fashion, the latest in South Korean style is often more evident off the catwalk than on it

Photograph: Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images

Probably if we have to figure out fashion we're never going to get it.

Allahabad, India

Young people light candles at Madan Mohan Malviya stadium during Diwali festival celebrations

Photograph: Prabhat Kumar Verma/Pacific Press/Barcroft Images

The world would be so dreary without Indian festivals ... and German festivals ... and ... Mexican clown festivals ... and ...

Mexico City, Mexico

Clowns line up during the 22nd Latin American clown convention at Revolución monument

Photograph: Edgard Garrido/Reuters

It was charming to see how different clowns in Mexico manage to look relative to any others I have ever seen.

Sydney, Australia

A performance of Toruk – The First Flight, by Cirque du Soleil, at Qudos Bank Arena

Photograph: Don Arnold/WireImage

While I have not see a performance bu Cirque du Soleil, I have heard some of your describe it as something of a festival and it sounds like it from the description.

What's Hot on the Blog 10/19


What's Hot

Here's what - breaking the sound barrier in a car w/video

There's science - and then there's GOOP


After that - Shawshank for an exceptional vibe


Millennial - Seraphin continues from two days ago

How Alex - toxic absurdity sings to some mad heaven

#MeToo - Boomer view of #MeToo from yesterday

Then - "The Hunt for Red October" is not a violent movie; it's quite the opposite

After That It Had to Be "The Shawshank Redemption" on the Trail of the #Blotto

Disclaimer: this is straight-up writing of active lung cancer in me but nothing in the #Blotto set of articles has been written with thoughts of trying to shock or disturb.  I am using in-home hospice and that's the best circumstance I could hope relative to being in a hospice clinic or, worst of all, to be admitted into a hospital.

The #Blotto situation absolutely sucks at this stage and that probably hasn't been such a tough thing to discern.  That makes things so difficult for Yevette but she is being such a trouper about it.  As from the beginning, that makes it all the more important to keep the focus anywhere but the immediate hellhole of,  wow, this really sucks.

Note:  ML shows a similar toughness since she knows the circumstance well.  She can't see it happening as currently rips the guts out of Yevette but ML has a nurse for years and she knows how it goes.  Yevette has it right up in her face and I'm constantly apologizing to her for inflicting this on her.

One of the little games for an alternative focus is in finding a #Photography set you will dig since that's hit or miss each day and I don't know the variable.  When one of those turns into a big boomer, it becomes a fascination as to, hmm, I wonder what you found different.  There must be something of that curiosity in you as well or people wouldn't read them so that makes a peach of an alternative focus.

The need for an alternative focus in me or anyone is what leads to "The Shawshank Rebellion" when it gives such extraordinary portraits of how beautiful people can be rather than the incessant snapshots of people elsewhere who are not being beautiful at all, usually for political reasons.  Shawshank brings hardly any politics and it's all the better without.

Maybe it's interesting to you that the Shawshank Penitentiary was actually the Ohio State Reformatory.

This aspect of the Reformatory was torn down but massive cell blocks still remain and they're said to be in much better condition than any in the movie.  (WIKI:  The Shawshank Redemption)

Note:  Clancy Brown plays the Captain of the Guards as a massively violent prick and you have probably seen him in one movie or another playing that kind of role since he really seems to dig them.  He was the Drill Sergeant in "Starship Troopers," another tough guy type of role.

Zen Yogi:  someone screwed with the colors of those trees

Why not bump up the color in them, mate, since it's the only color anyone will see in a prison movie.

The medical situation was mostly in the toilet because I figured nothing was really stopping the pain so, fuck it, why do it and consequently I abandoned the morphine and the ganja.  That continued from yesterday sometime as it's far more difficult to get back to the regimen than it is to do the Nasty Dance to try to keep it stable in the first place.

That wasn't one of the best command decisions I ever made.

Around eight this morning I did take the dose of morphine and I had no idea if it would start me vomiting again but I did it anyway.  It still didn't entirely kill the pain but I did sleep until not so long ago.  That's when I did smoke some ganja as I awakened still with the feeling I need to get all the nastiness in me out of me.  The ganja was remarkably good for quelling that so here we are.

There are no questions in this since I'm completely fucked and it won't get better.  You know that already.  However, the palliation is real so long as it's the right combination and morphine is not enough by itself.

When the combination is right it frees me to find views as with "The Shawshank Redemption" and then all of us get something positive out of it since Tim Robbins so strongly brings a message of Hope.

It also allows me to take a little of the beloved Pepsi Cola sometimes too and that's a prime goodness.

Much love to you all.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

There's the Real Science We Want ... and Then There's Gwyneth Paltrow with GOOP

Gwyneth Paltrow, 45, has come under fire from critics for her website's scientific claims

Zen Yogi:  does she get away with it because she's beautiful?

Unknown, mate, but it's not been without repercussions.

The Skeptic magazine has awarded website Goop its first ever 'Rusty Razor' accolade as the 'best' promoter of the 'worst pseudoscience of the year'

Daily Mail:  Gwyneth's Goop website is handed accolade for WORST pseudoscience nonsense after promoting sex dust, vaginal steaming and bio frequency healing stickers

Zen Yogi:  that's an appropriate award and good to see but it doesn't really answer the question since she still gets away with it in pushing her utter rubbish

Vaginal jade eggs

Earlier this year, there was a storm of controversy when Goop began selling crystal eggs which were claimed to improve women's sex lives.

The site shared tips on how to use Jade and Rose Quartz Eggs that reportedly 'increase chi, orgasms, vaginal muscle tone, hormonal balance, and feminine energy'.

The actress explained in an interview that women should clench the egg inside them all day to exercise their pelvic floor.

Again Dr Gunter waded in to warn the whole idea is nonsense – and could even increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis or deadly toxic shock syndrome.

'I read the post on GOOP and all I can tell you is it is the biggest load of garbage I have read on your site since vaginal steaming,' Dr Gunter wrote in an open letter to Gwyneth Paltrow on her blog.

- DM

Psychic Vampire Repellent

The $30 'spray-able elixir' contains ruby, rosemary, juniper, lavender, and reiki charged with crystals.
According to the site, it will 'banish bad vibes (and shield you from the people who may be causing them)'. 

Users are directed to 'shake gently before each use' then 'spray around the aura to protect from psychic attack and emotional harm.' 

They should avoid contact with eyes and must not ingest or inhale the 'protective mist'.

- DM

Body Vibes

The 'healing stickers made with carbon material used to line space suits' 

Goop initially claimed that its stickers are made with 'a crystalline, carbonized radio-frequency material' culled from spacesuits.

They reportedly 'fill in the deficiencies in your reserves, creating a calming effect, smoothing out both physical tension and anxiety.'

The products – which sell for up to $120 for a set of 24 – can also 'help clear skin by reducing inflammation and boosting cell turnover,' Goop reported, quoting the brand's co-founders, Madison De Clercq and Leslie Kritzer.

- DM

There is definitely opposition to Paltrow's claims:

Butex-NASA official Mark Shelhamer – a one-time chief scientist in the space program's human research division – begs to differ.

'Not only is the whole premise like snake oil, the logic doesn’t even hold up,' he told Gizmodo. 'If they promote healing, why do they leave marks on the skin when they are removed? What a load of BS this is.'

- DM

Zen Yogi:  but still she gets away it

That's right, Yogi, and there's no telling why.

Most or all of you have a keen appreciation of science in bringing better things to a world which directly needs them.  There's another excellent benefit in following the real scientists since it affirms people do more with their lives than pissing them away on social networks and / or video games.

Zen Yogi:  so the answer is to take your snake oil to the social network and sell a million units?

It seems so, Yogi, since being beautiful didn't seem to do her all that much good in the early game but GOOP is everywhere now including at least one chic L.A. boutique.

Zen Yogi:  is it your purpose to slam Gwyneth Paltrow?

No, mate, and she was excellent in the Ironman movies.  I just wouldn't be looking to her for health advice.  There could be a comedy interview if she's willing to go into it knowing she won't be facing New Age cheerleaders.

Zen Yogi:  I do see a tiny problem, Silas

What's that Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  what if the TSA hears them and won't let you board your flight unless you remove them because they're estimated to be a security threat?

Yep, that's ugly, Yogi, but we don't want any part of that circus.  We just wonder how GOOP can sell and there's nothing but charisma speaking for it.

Zen Yogi:  it's a great job if you can get it.  Note:  old Army saying used when any job will probably be better than the one you're doing.


Here’s What It’s Like To Break The Sound Barrier In A Car

The car tended to pull hard left at around 600 miles per hour, and that was requiring up to ninety degrees of steering lock to keep it straight.” - Andy Green

It’s been 20 years since the Thrust SSC made its record-breaking speed run, becoming the only car to ever travel faster than the speed of sound. Yet as its driver explains, it wasn’t as simple as mashing the go-pedal and having its two enormous Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engines blast him into the history books. 

Jalopnik:  Here’s What It’s Like To Break The Sound Barrier In A Dang Car

That's what you may think that is it's like but this is how it really goes:

“It’s the loudest, highest-pitched scream I’ve ever heard,” said British Royal Air Force fighter pilot Andy Green of approaching the sound barrier, who drove the Thrust SSC to set its world record. “The car tended to pull—because of the way it was constructed with the staggered rear wheels—tended to pull hard left at around 600 miles per hour, and that was requiring up to ninety degrees of steering lock to keep it straight.”

- Jalopnik

This is not likely the type of feat you or I will ever try but what a marvel that anyone does.

Zen Yogi:  Andy Green is completely crackers!

Perhaps but he and the team dedicated their time to immaculate preparation and their speed runs were flawless in achieving a successful result.

But they did it. On October 15, 1997, the Thrust SSC set a World Land Speed Record of 760.035 mph, and becoming the first and only car to break the sound barrier. 

That record may not stand for much longer, though. A successor, the Bloodhound SSC, has been in the works and makes its first runs at Newquay later this month. Its goal is to exceed 1000 mph. 

- Jalopnik

#Photography for the Unusual: World 10/19

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A family looks at a ‘Unity Kolam’, – made of turmeric powder, rice grains and rice flour – on the floor of a shopping mall. The kolam was designed by students from Limkokwing University for the Deepavali Hindu festival

Photograph: Fazry Ismail/EPA

All made from food and how about that.

Vancouver, Canada

A woman walks on artwork marking World Sight Day in the atrium of the Woodward’s building

Photograph: Canadian Press/Shutterstock

These 3D optical illusions make such an incredible effect.

Sydney, Australia

What a Tasty Looking Burger by James Dive is displayed near Bondi beach for the Sculpture by the Sea festival

Photograph: James D. Morgan/Getty Images

What better treat to enjoy on the beach so long as you get to it before the seagulls.

Madrid, Spain

Unidos Podemos MP’s hold banners in support of pro-independence leaders from the Catalonian national assembly who have been imprisoned

Photograph: Javier Lizon/EPA


Johannesburg, South Africa

Ceremonial officers wait to parade to mark the induction of 1500 recruits to the Johannesburg Police Department training course

Photograph: Kim Ludbrook/EPA

Remarkable that all are women.