Thursday, August 17, 2017

Statues of Ronald Reagan Need to Come Down

In the context of damage to the United States, Jefferson Davis is nothing more than the answer to a question in a future game of trivia.  The problem with his realm was and remains racism while Davis was just an opportunist playing "Dancing with the Stars" trying to win a mansion.  Robert E. Lee was the losing general but do you know the names of any of the generals who lost in Germany in WWII?

Zen Yogi:  I don't know, Silas

Don't worry about it, Yogi; no-one does either.  The statue of Lee may be the only example anywhere of one which was erected for the loser.

Zen Yogi:  one more question, Silas.  Why does David Duke look like he's had more facelifts than Joan Rivers?

Maybe it's from the sex change process, Yogi.  I don't know.

Zen Yogi:  I'm sure he will end up beautiful in the end

I don't know about that either, Yogi.  He isn't beautiful now so there doesn't seem much chance of it.  In fact, did you ever see any of the white power puffer fish who didn't look at least homely or at worst the victim of genetic damage.

While the damage from Jefferson Davis was relatively trivial insofar as there's nothing left of him except some poorly-made statues, the damage from Reagan was savage with his voodoo trickle down economics being one of the worst hoaxes of the Twentieth Century.  Reagan only accomplished two things economically since he guaranteed sinecures for the ultra rich and caused forty years of stagnation in wages and suffering for the workers.

That much of Reagan is well-known as workers have been feeling the pain from it for decades but that may not have been the most vile thing he did.

Zen Yogi:  what was the most vile thing, Silas?

Take a minute to digest the idea, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  fried chicken digests just fine but Reagan only sits there like Mother-in-Law's meatloaf.  No-one ever steals a pic-a-nic basket with Reagan meat loaf in it.

OK, Yogi, how about this.

Ronald Reagan instituted the for-profit prison system in America and since 1980, the number of Americans in penal servitude increased by a factor of five relative to the sixty years which he had preceded.  America wiped out one form of slavery and Reagan created another one.

Maybe you enjoyed the darkness in John Oliver's talk of North Korea's prison system but those amateurs can't even approach the number of citizens in American jails, in many cases in crowded, inhumane conditions.  Thank Ronald Reagan for that.


Anonymous said...

Tennesse is generally considered the birthplace of modern private prison with CCA. With less than 10% of all prisoners being held in private prisons,they can hardly be the root cause of the prison population explusion. I would suggest mandatory sentences as a far more likely csuse. Another top cause coukd be the crack down on drug relsted crimes as the percentage of prisoners convicted of drug related crimes is probably over 50% by now.
Even in Tennessee tne private bed population is less than 1/3 of all beds which still could not support the five fold increase.

Unknown said...

The chart is the best information I've got but the main point of it is the increase doesn't change from one administration to the next although it dropped somewhat with Obama.

Anonymous said...

You stated the the increase was due to Reagan allowing private prisons.
That assertion is absolutely false.