Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Explaining the Rhode Island Sea People to Zen Yogi

Some may not be much aware of the Rhode Island Sea People because normally they live deep underwater and far away from us because, well, we're too dirty for them.

Zen Yogi:  how can they live deep underwater, Silas?

They're not quite like us, Yogi, since they branched away from our Mammalian tree of life at different points.  We began as apes but they began as sperm whales.  Such whales can withstand tremendous depths and pressure due to some clever tricks in evolution.

Zen Yogi:  do they look like us ... I mean, you?

They look somewhat like us since they don't need fins or any of the other whale apparatus because they evolved with great extrasensory powers and can move just by thinking.

Zen Yogi:  you're joshing me, Silas

Oh really ...

A strange object that was found underwater off the shore of East Beach in Westerly has everyone wondering what it is.

Photo courtesy of Peter Brockmann

You see it, Zen Yogi, as they sent another sign.

Zen Yogi:  what does it say?

They say stop stealing our fish and dumping your rubbish on us.  Rhode Island sends barges full of rubbish out to the ocean and just dumps it there.  The Sea People don't like that, see?  That's why they sent the sign there.

Zen Yogi:  that's like when tourists throw soda cans out of their cars at Jellystone Park

It is, Yogi, and that's just nasty.

Zen Yogi:  maybe the crazies will try to nuke them?

That won't work, Yogi, since the Sea People evolved past nuclear weapons in favor of something vastly more destructive:  psionic powers.  They have further refined their extrasensory powers to do things no-one ever imagined.

Zen Yogi:  what should we do, Silas?

I don't know, Yogi, but I'm sure of one thing:  don't piss them off.

Zen Yogi:  I thought the Land People were so powerful

Not so much in front of the Sea People when they can blow you up just by thinking about it.

Zen Yogi:  that worries me

They may like you, Yogi, since you don't steal their fish.

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