Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bring Your Chicken to California but Don't Bring Chick-Fil-A | They Hate It

HuffPost:  This Map Shows Which Food People Hate The Most In Each State

Although California was base enough to support Hillary Clinton, they have taste enough to hate Chick-Fil-A.

Zen Yogi:  is California cool now?

Nah but they get some points.  Everyone who isn't a fag-bashing fucktard hates Chick-Fil-A already so it isn't a huge score when California hates them too.  Apparently they hate them more, tho.

The interested student will need to refer to the original article but another part of the map shows people in Rhode Island hate capers.

Zen Yogi:  how is it even possible to hate capers?

They dig clams out of the disgusting mud in tidal areas and call those delicious so their judgment on other types of food should be taken with all due caution.

Contrary to what you might think, not everyone in the U.S. loves chicken nuggets. 

Or so says the dating app Hater, which matches users based on the things they hate. Users can swipe to show approval or dislike for a person, activity, item or concept, including food. Since February, more than 600,000 users have swiped on the app’s 3,000 topics over 100 million times, a spokesman told HuffPost.

- HuffPost

Zen Yogi:  that's sick

It's genius.  Half a million hateful people can't be wrong.

Zen Yogi:  sure, they can.  They usually are.


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