Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Zen Yogi Decided He Needed to Teach the Kids to Dance

Mick Jagger said he believes every kid should be taught in school how to play an instrument and sing.

Zen Yogi:  do you want to make that mandatory?

Sure, since my School Board wants to do more than ban books.

Zen Yogi:  why isn't dance part of it too, mate?

Do you think it should be, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  absolutely since dance is the fundamental expression of life back to the earliest days of Man

Now you're going to teach them?

Zen Yogi:  you got that part wrong, Silas.  I'm not going to teach them to dance, they're going to teach me.

Why should kids teach you to dance, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  their purpose won't be to teach me since they will really be teaching the steps to each other and I get to learn too but, even so, maybe I could teach them my hip hop moves

Do you even have any hip hop moves, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  sure, Silas, since I've been hip-hopping, be-bopping, and living the spirit of the dance ever since I was a wee cub

Do you twerk?

Zen Yogi:  nobody twerks, Silas.  That was just to screw with old white people.  It's like belly-bumping for people who aren't fat and hanging about in country bars.

Thanks for the elegance of that explanation, my bear brother.

Zen Yogi:  you're the writer so you make it pretty

There's no way belly-bumping could ever be pretty.

Zen Yogi:  let it be a challenge to you, Writer Man.

Why should it even matter if they dance, Yogi?

It's freedom, exuberance, and life, Brer Bear.  For basic exuberance we have a hug, right?  For the immediate next step of exuberance, we extend the hug to hold hands and swing around each other.  Dance is basic to us and is even more ancient than the need to pork AI sex robos.

Zen Yogi:  who really does that, Silas?

Maybe richies who have given up all hope of a relationship with a real woman.  It's just another of the ways in which being rich really sucks.  (Ithaka:  Zen Yogi Considers How Much it Would Suck to Be Rich)

Zen Yogi:  we already did that schtick, Silas.  Let's get on with the dance.

Girls usually know all the steps anyway, Yogi, so why should they need you?

That's true, Silas, but the boys don't.  Girls dance with each other since they're not concerned if it looks gay to someone else.  Some of them will become Lesbians anyway so it just doesn't matter and they will learn all the steps with each other.

So what happens if boys ask each other to dance when there are no girls around?

Zen Yogi:  one will say another has called him queer by asking so he will punch the requestor's face into macaroni.  See, this is what I would like to prevent.

That sounds kind of noble, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  I'm not that noble.  I will still keep watching for pic-a-nic baskets.

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