Sunday, August 20, 2017

Dick Gregory in "A Night to Let Freedom Laugh" in the Bill of Rights Comedy Concert

"A Night to Let Freedom Laugh" may have been one of Dick Gregory's finest performances and he starts at +4:40 after an intro by Lewis Black.  This video has been presented at least three times and likely more on Ithaka, almost entirely because of Gregory's set.

This is not a show for Rich White Men because they more than any other force tried to prevent anything in the Bill of Rights from ever happening, just as they do today.  Waiting for their sensibilities to improve over centuries proved the senselessness of ever anticipating change in them since, in fact, they only get worse and more self-righteous.  Those Rich White Men are just as racist today as they were when the country was taken from Britain who took it from the Indians.

Note:  they talk a good show sometimes but observe how they behave.

Dick Gregory rose above all that, far above it.  He was one of America's finest treasures and he will be remembered for far longer than the racists who opposed him and oppressed people.  Those like Donald Trump are a dime a dozen and you can get them online from Billionaires R Us but those like Dick Gregory are rare.

After marching with Martin Luther King, Dick Gregory took everything racists could throw at him yet he was still performing when he was eighty-two years old.  There's little courage in Americans today unless they bought it in a gun store but Gregory only needed a microphone.

Deep respect

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