Monday, April 3, 2017

Whisper Valley, Texas | Efficient Energy Management for New Homes

Whisper Valley is a real estate development in the Austin, TX, area.  The design goal is for an energy recycling system which uses almost no electricity.

Here's the full glossy pitch for Whisper Valley:  Welcome To A New Kind Of Planned Community

Note:  the Rockhouse isn't endorsing anything except the concept.  Whisper Valley may be just another ghost town of failed real estate development ten years from now and don't be saying Silas said you should buy into it.

For example, the drought broke for Texas but it's a fool's fantasy to fail to recognize another will follow it.  The development could easily fail behind something like that.

The Whisper Valley name doesn't give me a good feeling because it's so boring and obvious.  Why don't they show some zing and call it One Hundred Acres of Nirvana.  You may hoot but I bet it makes you curious.

The background video didn't really make it much clearer about energy but they seem confident of their objectives in energy efficiency.

In general, the Rockhouse doesn't approve of insular single-family dwellings because that's the most inefficient way to store people.  Such arrangements are great for comfort and convenience but they're not so good in terms of energy management at a systems level.  For the best efficiency humans can achieve without any particular loss, it will likely be a much more communal arrangement than that.  We need the little bungalow to crash with the wife and the kids in privacy but there could be much better sharing of communal living areas.

- Insert the editorial on humans are inherently tribal so get that way because we need it -

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