Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Chelsea Clinton / Ivanka Trump Cage Fight

We know Hillary Clinton is out there somewhere because we can hear her slithering and she knows she's loathed but she's thinking she has a marketable play in the daughter.

Donald Trump is doing the same thing with Ivanka but he's more blatant about it in terms of giving her ridiculous White House appointments for which she has no qualifications.

We're looking for runs for Congress from both of those li'l tarts so we're wondering who comes out of the cage still breathing.

Ed:  hopefully no-one?


Stage Presence

Ivanka rates high in apparent authenticity and general demeanor but Chelsea doesn't do better than about average.


Both rate about the same and the only question is how well they camouflage it.


Are you fucking serious?  There's no competition.  If it's only about appearance, Chelsea has no future outside Westminster.


Artificial boost from Donnie Boy for Ivanka and that crushes anything from Chelsea who can only quote working for her mother's corrupt charity.


With Ivanka, there's high apparent intelligence but there's no evidence of depth to it.  Again, Chelsea comes in about average for political stooges, just like her mother.

Powers of Persuasion

It's coming to the same thing with each criterion since Ivanka can be highly-convincing whereas Chelsea is obviously working a predictable script and doesn't evidence any real passion about anything.

Based on that cursory review, Ivanka will crush Chelsea into paste so our best hope is if Chelsea can pull off something dirty enough before she croaks that it takes out Ivanka too.

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