Monday, April 3, 2017

Realizing How Insulting MSM News Has Become to All Women

Yesterday there was a bit about how all of the Fox News news readers look like hookers and they do but it's not limited to Fox when CNN is loaded with them as well and Rachel Maddow doesn't do it because she's just too, too hip for that but it's almost ubiquitous otherwise.  (Ithaka:  Why Do Fox News Readers All Look Like Hookers)

Note:  I know she's not with CNN anymore; I don't care where she went as we don't track Clinton apologists.

Then I thought, dayum, how egregiously insulting it is to portray all women in this way and they pretend to present different people but it doesn't make any difference when black ones, white ones, any kinda ones are all painted up like Saturday Night Jezebels.

Therefore they seek to set the standard of what an empowered woman looks like, right.

If you look like this then you will have cool shit to say and people will take you seriously.

There's some twisted psychology in this since why don't the TV studs feel they need it.  Quite a bit of make-up is to draw attention to the eyes but why should a man's eyes dominate the same with or without.  Surely, some eye shadow and eyeliner can enhance the male's presence as well but men don't use such things whereas women use bucket loads.  You could shrink that all day long for the exceeding strange of it and that does mean you since I won't.

The thing which set this off was the young girls of the Taman squadron who flew fighters to bomb NAZIs in WWII.

Die Nacht Hexen (i.e the night witches)

You know what, I don't see anyone painted up to look like a hooker and they were damn sure being taken seriously when they were scaring NAZIs enough that they were called Die Nacht Hexen.  (Ithaka:  Some of the Most Dangerous Females You May Ever See)

Ed:  are you trying to speak for women and how they have been sold a bill of goods?

Nah.  I would have to gain two-hundred pounds, become butt ugly, and rename myself to Michael Moore for that.  I'm just curious about the phenomenon.

We have all these fakes painted up on TV like they're Al Pacino's dream date in "The Scent of a Woman" but we see these real chiquitas and they have no time for rubbish like that.

Ed:  I want to marry the one on the right!

Well, you better bring more than your skills at SCRABBLE, junior grasshopper.

wtf, call me a prig if you like but I believe a woman's face looks substantially better without house paint on it.  Besides, maybe we can find something in Leviticus which says you will go to hell for using make-up.  I bet it's there since you definitely go to hell for tattoos.

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