Saturday, April 29, 2017

An Unusual Photograph from Poland

Gdynia, Poland

A woman smokes a cigarette on her balcony

Photograph: Russell Boyce/Reuters

These types of rhythm exercises in this way aren't so unusual so what does he try to tell us with the woman on the balcony.

Note:  the artist is a he since English doesn't give me a better word when I don't know if the artist is a she.

There's something of a subtle tone poem in those subdued colors but that probably wasn't his Deep Thought.

Mentioning she smokes a cigarette was important for some reason and at first I thought he wouldn't know but he would see the trail of smoke when she exhaled.

Is this balcony the woman's respite from the sameness.  If so then why doesn't she leave the building. Since she doesn't, that makes the implication all the other buildings are like this.

Nope, we're not buying it.  We don't think she is looking hard enough ... but ... maybe there's a baby inside and she can't afford to move.

Lotta questions but not any kind of an answer.  Unusual photograph.

Ed:  maybe she just wanted to smoke a fuckin' cigarette!

Yah and maybe she's out there freezing her ass and pissed off because her husband wouldn't let her smoke inside.

Ed:  maybe she killed everybody inside and she's thinking of how to dispose of the bodies?

She's not wearing any ion deflectors so they may be controlling her actions remotely.  Too many independent variables to have any idea what happens here ... except she smokes a cigarette.

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