Friday, April 7, 2017

Vladimir Putin is Keeping Us All Alive

If not for the composure of Vladimir Putin in concert with Sergey Laprov, we would probably already be radioactive.  How about replaying the current narrative with Nikita Kruschev in the Kremlin.

"We will bury you!" - Nikita Kruschev (as he stamped his shoe on the table)

Moscow's standards in leaders went up while America's standards went down thus giving us a kozmik irony which only Kurt Vonnegut Jr could fully appreciate.

Ed:  now Nikita Kruschev is in the White House

Yep but he's been there for some years now.

Just like JFK in those times, Putin turns to Laprov and says, "They're fucking bluffing, Bobby.  We will wait those maniacs out."

Laprov says to him, "It could have been Clinton."

Putin says back, "What difference should it make, comrade, when both sound the same?  We wait them out either way.  It's what JFK would have done and we know that because we saw it."

Brinksmanship is a fool's game since either someone dies or a whole lot of time gets wasted but nothing ever comes from it and nothing ever has.

Ed:  you get tanks to put in parks as memorials

Yes, you do ... and some jokers found a way to get one started in a park yesterday.  It's probably important to attend to a few details before using such a thing as a public memorial.

Ref:  Theory & Practice of Gamesmanship on Amazon

Ex:  "Don't play the game; play your opponent." - Stephen Potter

Vladimir Putin understands his opponent implicitly through many years of Washingtonian gamesmanship and this is the same understanding JFK had regarding Kruschev.  We have been lucky to have men such as they during the most critical times.

Ed: didn't Harry Truman fire General MacArthur for trying to do exactly what Donald Trump threatens to do now in invading North Korea and then on to Russia?

Yep ... chapter and verse

Ed:  did Donald Trump ever read a history book in his life?

It doesn't seem so.  It doesn't seem he ever reads much of anything except teleprompters.  When the main screw doesn't even know the lyrics to the song, we need a new band, mates.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Putin will do the right thing and pull his support of Assad. Either put in a new puppet or let the Syrians replace him

Anonymous said...

Please dont tell me the chemical attack was an accident. Or it was a cache that was leftover and not remo
ved. I don't follow Syria much but I thought Putin agreed to have Assad remove and destroy the chemical years ago when Assad did this last time.
At least Putin is not going shirtless and saber rattling. If Trump is smart it will be a single attack and now let Putin remove Assad.
And let Xi fix his rogue leader in Korea

Unknown said...

Assad is one of the few Western-educated sophisticates still breathing in that area after America already killed the others. Whacking him makes perfect sense when he's probably better educated than the losers who bomb him.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't need to be whacked just taken out of power That is Russia's responsibility since they continue to prop him up.
I believe even Russia said it was Syrian jets doing the bombing but they hit N old chemical cache

Anonymous said...

He doesn't need to be whacked just taken out of power That is Russia's responsibility since they continue to prop him up.
I believe even Russia said it was Syrian jets doing the bombing but they hit N old chemical cache

Unknown said...

There's one more piece in Assad knowing there were chemical weapons stored there and gave the order to blow them up.

The most level-headed thinking I see comes from the Russians. If they want to whack him then maybe there's a deal but otherwise I have to put all my trust in the Pentagon / CIA and that's just not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

That is believing the chemicals were stored there and hit by accident as opposed to use in the attack as was the case years ago. I believe Putin agreed to have Assad destroy them I guess at didnt happen.
Either way both Russia and the US should walk away and let the Syrians solve it

Unknown said...

That's just like the Great Bernie Sanders said it, lo, these many months ago. You're right and so is he. Get the hell out and they can sort their own business in Syria.