Monday, April 3, 2017

Matchbox 20 Came to Dallas

When the news value in anything else has dropped to the level of reporting cat fights and car crashes, news about Matchbox 20 becomes a negotiable commodity ... and, dayum, do they suck.

My curiosity rose because Tactical wanted to go to a concert and the band was Matchbox 20.  There's not much news so far but the ticket was eighty bucks.  I figured if he's willing to pay eighty bucks to hear them then they must be pretty good.

Matchbox 20 turned out to be one of the few bands so awful I don't want to assault your lives with what they do.  The short read is they sound kind of like another of the Basic Beatles bands but they have no pizzazz; it's just derivative crap.

Ed:  it's just chick music?

Yah and that's what makes it all the more ludicrous since just about any musical female of the new age could kick their wimpy asses all the way back to Liverpool.  You've seen and heard Tina S, right. Do you seriously think she would waste time in jams with those feeble louts.  (Ithaka:  "Through the Fire and Flames" | Dragon Force | Cover by Tina S)

Note:  there isn't any more interest in Taylor Swift or any from that lot than there ever was.  The Rockhouse interest is in who kicks ass and, for the most part, skinny white girls don't ... but ... lately we have been seeing some skinny white girls who can blow the walls down so the paradigm has shifted.  Meanwhile, it doesn't appear Matchbox 20 could blow down a tent.

I should have realized since Dallas is the epicenter of musical death in the Northern Hemisphere and trusting musicians in Dallas is one of the single worst or at least most-expensive things you can do.  Heed it or not as you will but they cost me ten thousand dollars and there was zero recovery from that theft.

It's a remarkable thing when I trust those Dallas doctors with my life but I wouldn't trust Dallas musicians to watch a parking meter for me and with good reason.

Ed:  don't you hate those bastards!

Well, I can't say that I do but it wouldn't be a wise thing for any of them to expect a life preserver if they fall off a cruise ship on which I'm riding.  Say hello to King Neptune for me, ducks.

If there's any question of why I don't trust Americans, that should about cover it.  The Second Life shitbags in Dallas stole my kit to reveal one set of worthless mongrel pigdogs and the insurance company refused to pay off on it to reveal yet another set.

There are some good Americans out there but y'all are damn tough to find.  Your views of life are different and here's an example since Tinkerbell has been a bit lost in Florida and we don't need the back story but it's been a worry for quite some time.  Lotho thought to himself and decided, no, this is not how it's done so he went down to Florida to fetch her up to Tennessee which, by the way, has vastly more beautiful scenery and I'm positive it's a much better vibe for her.

Note:  I'm not going to go into the detail of it but the news is 10.0 on a scale of Olympic ski jumps.

That's how y'all do and maybe you wonder as well when you look at those hordes of lunatics running around out there getting frothy about Russians and who knows what so you wonder ... what the fuck happened to these people.  That's a passing interest but fetching Tinkerbell is lifetime and that's how y'all do with everything.

Lotho:  you make it sound like she's groceries to be fetched

Nah, that's Texas.  For the full expression, you might oughta want to fetch Tinkerbell back to Tennessee.

Everybody is groceries in Texas, ha!

Lotho:  that's why they all drive pickup trucks?

Prob'ly so

Lotho:  and they drive them to Matchbox 20

Yeehaw, cowboy.

Lady Gaga will scare you.  Be careful out there.

wtf, one more time for "Poker Face" because Lady Gaga scares us so good.

Live vids are my preference but this one is spectacular and, get this, it's had well over four hundred million hits.  I didn't know there that many people in the whole fucking world.

Suck it, Matchbox 20.  Grow a pair.


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you have such a dismal view of the people around you and in this country.
No it was not like going grocery shopping. But leaving someone as lucid and caring as she in an assisted living home is pretty ridiculous. But she is now in a spacious place where her puppy has room to run. He was a terror just 4 days ago but is mellowing out quite nicely with a backyard to run off his energy.
I think it will work out quite well

Unknown said...

My view has clear proof (shrug).

Fetching her was only a play on Texas dialect since I do see it as news which is 10.0 on an Olympic scale. That's not even a tiny exaggeration since there was quite a bit of contact on Facebook and some aspects were worrisome. FB is not too good as a way to deal with the world so the news of being with real people now is spectacularly good.

Anonymous said...

Then we live in different countries or your view is limited to a 17" computer screen

Unknown said...

Not to go too far with it but in some ways we do live in different countries.