Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shut Up and Play

Last night was a hefty sucker punch and the size of it brings one immediate consideration:  shut up and play.

Mania Muircastle is running her Shivers Productions end-of-summerfest with a whole boatload of acts.  There's some open stage time so I asked her if she would like to stage Silas.  She had asked previously and I had declined but taking the armrests off the chair did make a substantial difference.  Whatever it was isn't fixed but that changed it, whatever it is.  With that ghostly stuff in my arms and my fingers, playing is impossible as I'm not all that sure where my fingers are.  I'm sure it's an ergonomic situation so play on.

There was a trial run just now and Yevette said I hope you recorded that ... which is a good sign ... but I didn't ... which is a bad sign.  My cop is the plan is to play for Mania so this was a shake-out but we reviewed the last time and it's come up multiple times with multiple people:  record everything every time.

Hey, not for nothin', I crash bikes a lot.  I hit my head a lot.  Fuhgedaboudit.

It's not such a bad perspective it gives you as I often see on social networks people talking about minor surgeries and the huge trauma.  First that seems pitiful but the beauty part is these people have never really been hurt very much.  What motorcycles impart is the appreciation for having your whole body smashed-up at the same time.  Your mind doesn't have the capability to remember what pain felt like but you damn sure remember you will NEVER let that happen again ... but you still ride again as soon as the bandages come off.

There was a huge wave of nostalgic self-pity some days ago as something triggered the memory of the machine the therapists prescribed to make my arm work again.  I had to strap myself into the chair and my arm into the machine in various places.  It would get all Robocop then and start moving the arm in different ways, over and over, and the requirement was to do it for hours over a long period.  It's not too horrible if you don't mind watching television as a cyborg.

Shut up and play isn't just about talk as the arm which was smashed was my left and which needs the most ability to move.  Same arm I will be using in this show.  It's amazing what they can more or less fix.

(time passes)

Open slots for the stage are now filled but that's ok.  The festival runs on Euro time which means it's probably ready for bed at about 7pm my time (i.e. 2am their time).  It's important not to conflict with the festival by staging something at the Circus but that would be ok after they have gone to bed.

It's huge to show attitude in the face of a sucker punch.  Something will be recorded today one way or the other.  The recording could be accomplished without going into Second Life but it feels more live in doing it that way even though the physical recording process is identical.  Even if no-one shows, they might.  That will always give an edge (a good one).

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