Saturday, September 5, 2015

Why Justin Bieber Cried

Who cares why he cried as the fact it's news is what makes it interesting, not that he did it but why anyone cares.

After listening to the songs he sang at the VMAs, I heard someone who sounds like a boy but has some fairly decent dance moves.  Apart from that, I didn't see much to it.  Basic hip hop.  That he appeals to young girls isn't surprising, that he appeals to anyone else is fucking miraculous.

Most of the pop kids are kids and stay kids.  None of them show any particular depth with the hallmark of banal mediocrity in "I Kissed a Girl."

While all of the pop kids are still kids, even in their twenties, the sixties rock crews were never kids unless you included the bubblegum bands who, like today's pop kids, remained children indefinitely (e.g. The Monkees).

There is maturity in young artists but not the ones who hit the big time.  Nicki Minaj is my current favorite pick for most banal lyrics of the day but it's a stiff contest amid the rubbish written by so many.  There's one fuck song after the other like they invented it as a new sport.

It's disappointing because it's symptomatic of the lack of direction in anything.  These kids aren't growing up because there isn't any particular reason.  They aren't focused on anything but themselves and why would they be when much of the world is stalled playing an extremely expensive game of Risk which hasn't accomplished anything yet and there's no chance it ever will.  It makes perfect sense they could not be bothered with it but it's disappointing they don't much protest it.

Music can bring change.  We have seen it before.  However, if the feeling does not at least partially exist in the audience already, it's not likely the musician can create it out of nothing.  The biggest disappointment of all is likely musicians would rise to it but there's very little encouragement to do it and protest.  The VMAs did not give that encouragement and that's the best reason of all to be crying.

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