Monday, October 10, 2016

It's Not Anger with America but Disappointment at its Failure

Whether you fix the problem or you don't is on you.  We know the leaders won't do it and you see Manifest Destiny is alive and well when Obama talks about killing Assad.  By what right does he kill anyone and the only answer you will find is the tired old Divine Right of Kings.  He's neither a king nor divine.  Clinton is no different and of course not as she doesn't have the imagination of a rock.  They won't fix it so it's on you.

Note:  Trump sounds considerably more sensible about the Middle East than Clinton since he's not pushing a doctrine from two-hundred years ago.

There is no anger with the Kaninchen because I know you would fix it if you could and there's no anger with the riff raff who don't know any better.  Any manipulative leader in history has known it's easy to control the stupids and they will go along with anything.  For them I have contempt but so what as I have little contact with them and don't want any.

Yevette was shocked by the horror of Manifest Destiny but even more shocked that she didn't know of it.  Everything makes a perverse sense from that perspective but that doesn't come anywhere close to making it right and exceptionalism is just utter bloody rubbish.  That's almost verbatim from the Manifest Destiny doctrine.

These kinds of things make America understandable but they don't in any way make it acceptable.  It could be so much more than it is if it stopped pursuing such ludicrous targets.  Do they think they will break Russia altogether for a fifty-first state?  Do they think at all?

(Ed:  Paul Ryan)

Right.  They don't think at all unless it's of themselves.

Americans are better than Washington and maybe you find it acceptable America is represented by people selected by the unwashed masses but we don't.

(Ed:  because you're an elitist pig!)

I'll cop to being an elitist as I am smarter than the majority and likely so are all of the Kaninchen.  I didn't need to ask what algebra would do in my life when I first saw it in school and it turned out to be fundamental to a large part of it.  None of this makes me better than anyone else but arguing about intelligence is stupid since you can see as well as I we're not dealing with highly-gifted people.

When you have two who really are pigs arguing about who is the worst pig, consider the pigs who listen to it and then that makes sense too.  That isn't acceptable either and I know it's not acceptable to you.  It's justified by calling it democracy but that's rubbish since every second-rate politician who ever lived knows you can use the stupids to override the intelligentsia.  Voila, Election 2016 in which it doesn't matter who wins since America and consequently we lose either way.  As to which one is worse, it's impossible to tell.

Hillary Clinton is much like New England where they pretend to be liberal and non-racist but that may well be one of the most racist parts of the country.  If you don't believe that, look for the black people ... if you can find any.  As evidence, I again offer any advances to civil rights in the last eight years.  There is no race in the White House and there is no sex, except from Bill Clinton.  Send them to the White House and most of them just become bureaucrats.  Only the best become leaders but it's not always to a good end as we saw with Reagan.

I don't have any intention for continuing with this for much longer since the politics are not interesting largely because they don't have interesting people involved.  They crucify the interesting ones but that's been man's habit for two thousand years.  Are you thinking it was liberals who murdered Christ?


Anonymous said...

Manifest Destiny is well covered in schools. Little Princess in 1st grade began learning of the Trail of Tears in her Native American people section of her history class. But with all education learned far more on her trips to the Grand Canyon and museums she visited. And far more at yhe Smithsonian American Indian museum and the Cherokee Nation Gathering she was lucky enough to attend.
It is not the schools that do the educating. The schools just pique an interest. It is the child shows that interest and the parents that fan those flames.
Schools are little more than child depositories.
You can use your own family to prove that as they all had the genrs to be very well educated. Most went to one of the best school in the city. And most did almost nothing with those resources.

Unknown said...

I'm really not willing to let the schools off the hook since some things are so important that piquing the interest isn't enough. I'm green over the Princess going to the Cherokee National Gathering as I can't even imagine the coolness of it and also that you would take her there in the first place.

As to whether sibs did well with their educations, there's not much I can do with it. All used education, regardless of how it was obtained, to fulfill themselves as much as possible. As far as I can tell, all did things which people needed and appreciated, no matter how quickly they disappear after we did them. You went to three colleges for different types of degrees but ended up doing something entirely different. That looks to me like education which at first discovered things you didn't want to do and that goes with the Thomas Edison principle on making light bulbs.

Anonymous said...

Schools do not have time to do more than pigue an intersest. You want schools to teach everything they cant. Never could Never will.
My kids didnt go to University because they wanted to,it was a parental mandate. Go prove your can learn then I will help you do what you dream.
Like all mandates it was a dismal failure.

Unknown said...

Not necessarily since they won't lose the knowledge and I didn't work in Anthropology but the degree has served me well in my life and I don't regret that aspect at all.

I don't expect schools to teach everything but I do expect the important things and not just by my judgment. They get the good ones up through to calculus and there's a lot further to go but that's more than piquing their interest, in my view.

They shouldn't drop calculus to teach history better but one thing I would instantly chuck is the football teams. Concentrate on your studies, kid. You can screw around with football later.