Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Glory Days of the Knights of the Golden Circle

The Knights of the Golden Circle were mentioned in the National Treasure series of movies so I wondered, hmmm, did they just invent these guys.

It turns out the KGC was not a fabrication and they were some seriously evil bastards.  The sympathized with the Confederacy and wanted the Southern states to annex the Caribbean, Central America, and parts of South America for use as 'slave states' for the South.  Here's the beauty part since this vile lot of treasonous traitors came about due to a crank in Cincinnati, George Bickley.  (WIKI:  Knights of the Golden Circle)

Ed:  you just research this material because Diane Kruger didn't do any nude scenes in those movies.

Well, that would have been a bit much to expect from a Disney movie, I guess, huh?

Tell me this wouldn't have put Nicholas Cage's relationship with Diane Kruger in "National Treasure" into a whole new light.

Ed:  you will get banned on Facebook again for that picture

I'm sure that matters (larfs).  In the old days, 'sin is whatever turns on a Baptist' but today's version is 'obscenity is whatever offends a matron on Facebook.'

Two words:  fuck that.

I like Nicholas Cage.  People like to hammer the guy for who knows what reason but he's a highly likable fellow and he's a great entertainer although I gather he's not too exceptional in managing personal finances.  He and Diane Kruger have a charming, immediately likable chemistry on-screen and I hope they make one more of those National Treasure movies.

Ed:  and you also like Nickelback!

Well, I like "Burn It to the Ground" and they kill with that one but I'm not much familiar with the band overall.

Ed:  you have a thing for n-words, it seems.

Apparently so, Watson.

Note:  if you didn't have 'nipples' for the trifecta, you may not really be picking up the Ithaka vibe.

More from the KGC:

You can get the detail on these rotters from the WIKI and they make today's racists look like amateurs when they were actively planning to enslave entire countries.  Bickley was nothing more than a conman and eventually the KGC fell apart but the knowledge of this crew in the authors of the National Treasure series was impressive.  Even Cadillac Man who knows just about everything there is to know of American history had never mentioned the KGC.

Part of the intrigue with the National Gallery movies is in the deft way the authors wove actual history with whatever they needed to tell the story and the impressive part is they seem to have researched that history meticulously.

Ed:  but no nude scenes?

Nope.  Those movies are entirely bereft of nude scenes.

Maybe marginally amusing is the scene featured above came from "Troy" and I did see the movie but it was so awful I didn't notice or didn't remember Kruger's scene.  Maybe some recall how a big pitch for that movie was it revealed Brad Pitt's naked backside and that got all kinds of airplay.

I don't really know how I wound up in a world which more fancies Brad Pitt's butt than the femininity of one of the most beautiful women anywhere.  That moment may have marked the beginning of the end of western civilization.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is because the world is half women.

Cadillac Man said...

Great article and no I never heard of the Nights of the Golden Circle. I'll have to check them out. It is interesting that the pamphlet shows it being published in Indianapolis, not a southern state.

Unknown said...

Dunno about nights with them but the Knights really did come from National Gallery 2. That got me wondering and, presto, they were real. George Bickley was the KGC idea man. He started in Indiana and then worked the schtick from Cincinnati. After some time he ran out of town due to bad debts and took the KGC act on the road in the South. Crazy story and it's real. Wow.

Unknown said...

Men and women know men have a ludicrous design with some parts looking like they were added as an afterthought. Men are made much like a Harley rat bike onto which anything whatsoever may be attached simply because it seemed like a good idea at the time.