Thursday, November 3, 2016

Doubledown Tandino Returns After Years to SL and Plays at Cat's MusikCircus

The remarkable thing about DJ artists is all seem to craft their music in different ways and they often get wildly different results.  Not remarkable at all is that I don't know how to do any of it.  I've played a guitar all my life so I strum my hand up and I strum my hand down and that's all about you need to know of guitar physics.  With DJ artists, they may be operating control panels, turntables, keyboards, and other mad electronica.

Here's Doubledown Tandino the way he does it.

It seems any electronica should sound like all the rest but it doesn't.  The last time we talked, Doubledown was in New York City and I thought the music sounded kind of like The City with kind of an uptown cool jazz kind of vibe.  But then he did another one and it sounded kind of eastern European where the Roma people (i.e. Gypsy) make highly special music.  Next he sounded like he was around the Mediterranean somewhere and that varying vibe keeps it live.

Doubledown said he last played in SL eight years ago so that settled when I had heard him.  It's excellent to see a veteran getting back on the trail and I'm not sure what he has been doing recently since tonight was focused entirely on the music.  There was a great turnout at Cat's MusikCircus and they were diggin' it so hopefully this will happen again soon.

Here's a pic of Cat from earlier in the day.

She does look so innocent but do keep in mind she dropped a BMW big bike ... and got it back on its wheels by herself.  That may mean she's innocent and quite strong or it may mean she is a secret agent graced with extraordinary powers.  Both may be true in Second Life.


Anonymous said...

it was a Zusuki !

Unknown said...

Most impressive!

Unknown said...

It's great to be back! Thanks for the tremendous write-up, and glad you were there to partake. I'll be back at Cat's again soon.

Unknown said...

It's just a way I can provide a bit of support here and show appreciation. Thanks again!