Saturday, April 8, 2017

Young Germans Are Remarkably Accepting of Immigrants

Before getting all tense about Deutschland über alles, y'all still don't put flowers on the cows when you bring them down from the mountain pastures in the Autumn but Germans do and that's highly damn cool.  (RT:  German Millennials most ‘immigrant-friendly’ among Europeans, study reveals)

It seems young Germans do have such a nature with immigrants as shown by the study.

German Millennials tend to be the most open-minded about immigration to their country even at times of economic hardships, according to a new study that gives a thought-provoking insight into mindset and worldview of young Europeans.

The majority of young Europeans have little or no trust in their countries’ governments and political elites, are anxious about their future, but still, many of them approve of cultural diversity and welcome immigration.

Entitled ‘Generation What?’ the 49-page survey covered more than 200,000 young people from 11 countries across Europe. 

- RT

The common interest to you may be the lack of trust in governments or elites since that seems ubiquitous around the world.  With their increasing conservatism globally comes a corresponding lack of trust and what a shocker in that.

Asked whether they felt that immigrants “enriched the country’s cultural diversity,” 80 percent of Germans said “yes”, which is the top result in Europe, according to the comprehensive study by German broadcasters ZDF, SWR and Bayerischer Rundfunk. Spain and Luxembourg placed came close behind at 78 percent and 76 percent respectively.

- RT

I suspect if you ran that poll in America, the result wouldn't be so much different.  We hear overwhelming caterwauling from the Kill the Immigrants crowd but I do believe the majority of people are not like that.

That wasn't what you were expecting, was it (larfs).

The young Germans defeated the nearest contender but they didn't annihilate them so the perception of a generic hatred of immigrants in Europe seems stretched well beyond anything real.  England has gone off the rails with it but they're off the rails on just about everything.

Note:  it doesn't matter if I piss them off since the Royal Navy ships can't handle warm water (true).

In fact, maybe you noticed when Putin sent a Russian aircraft carrier to the Med but he made a point of sending that armada down the English Channel (I believe) and that was in part thumbing his nose at Theresa May because the Royal Navy doesn't have any aircraft carriers.  Theresa May was furious and was monitoring the tremendous security threat to the cost (I think) of maybe a few million.  They were so stinking green envious and it was completely hilarious.

Girl, he was just fuckin' with you.  Take it easy.  You'll give yourself a heart attack, fer chrissakes.

People are going so crazy insane over immigrants but, get this, I'm one (larfs).

And you fuckin' drafted me!  Joke's on me, huh.

I wasn't even a citizen when you drafted me and from that I concluded y'all just don't care.  Hey you.  You're drafted.  Get over here.

So I hear all this about immigrants and yeah, yeah, yeah ... it all just keeps going around and around and some people get mad as fuck about it but others just wonder ... did you bring your axe, man?  Let's jam.

And then you find this guy has some instrument from his country you never even saw before but still there's only one answer:  let's hear some of that.


Anonymous said...

I very much doubt it went down he English Channel as there are no international water to float in

Unknown said...

Yep, that would do it. Even so, I remember the attention it got and that whole deal was so funny. You tell 'em, Theresa.

Anonymous said...

After a little research, He did sail a very old AC through the English Channel.

It certainly was pointless since it was accompanied by Russia's largest sea going tug in case it broke down since it was so old.
I assume their must be some international agreement similar to the Suez or Panama canals

Unknown said...

Ah, ok. I just remember the transit and chortling the whole time. They were going on and on about the terrible threat it posed.

You'll love the US latest, tho. USS Gerald Ford charts up an impressive thirteen billion for the most expensive aircraft ever and probably more expensive than the entire Royal Navy in aggregate.