Thursday, September 10, 2015

And the Strumpets Keep Sewing Their Corn

Donald Trump said, quite rightly, "Fuck, Ben Carson.  Who is that self-righteous prig to question my faith?"

Score one, Team Trump.  Carson is definitely a self-righteous prig.

The hayseed contest in the back field continues between Huckabee, Trump and a bunch of crazed Oathkeepers.  We're so sure this will turn out well.  All of these teams are just running out the clock.  They won't make it.

Yah, and Jeb Bush said something stupid but, as is typical, it was unremarkably stupid.  Zero points for Team Bush.

Fiorina finally gets a score but it's only a pity point when Trump says 'look at that face' and it's a double score as Trump gets the prized King Asshole point for taking the shot and providing incontrovertible evidence he has never seriously examined his own ugly ass (cough) puss.

Apparently Trump thinks it wasn't his money that makes him sexually interesting to women, generously assuming he is, in fact, sexually exciting to women.

This guy we can understand being sexually exciting to women, Campino:

So, what do you think, sunshine.  Do you think you might like one of these?

Campino is the lead singer for Die Toten Hosen, a popular German hard rock band with a powerful message.  Campino is an extremely-bright individual and is in-demand for chat shows on television for his wit and his knowledge.

So, sunshine, what do you think?

In any case, if it's about looking at faces, I imagine we can reach a concensus quickly and neither Trump nor Fiorina ... nor any of the other current candidates would be in it.

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