Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Deferred Poem is Sometimes the Best Kind

There's a poem about "The Bird Looked Up at Me" and it's more full of riddles than a can of mechanical snakes.  It's not Cthulhu doing the commanding but it might as well be since this bird has only the intention of doing major structural damage.

Ed:  so it has so many nested metaphors but if anyone sorts them then it might be hurtful?

Dat's a fact, Jack

Ed:  and you count on them being too stupid to figure it out but you know they're not?

Well, I'm not counting on that since I blew off publishing it.

The lament is because this demon is so malevolent and I like his lines.  Playing the sweet boy is all very well but it's a lot cooler playing the bad ones and they always get better lines.

Where pain exists, make more
It's the course I freely choose
I'll bring about your torment
I'll bring about your doom

I'm tellin' you, mates; this demon is evil (larfs).

Ed:  so you pussed out and bagged it?

Dat too is a fact, Jack.

Ed:  are you the bird?

Nope, not me.  The bird doesn't like me too much, tho.

Ed:   is the bird a man or a woman?

Well, that doesn't reveal too much so, yep, he's a man.

Ed:  what's the problem then?  Any woman worth her salt can hurt you worse than a man.  Suck it up, Rambo.

That does seem to be the move ... but ...

Now I'm left with playing the sweet boy but I've been watching "Artificial Intelligence" and that sweet boy robo up front is unbelievably nauseating.  If he had come to me I would have sent him back with a protest ... I fucking ordered a man-child.  The poor kid really was cursed too since he has a baby face to this day.  When the only gigs for TV are cop shows, he's screwed.

The second part of the movie goes to Jude Law asking, well, what if robos screw better than humans but of course they will since humans only screw for about two years and then buy big-screen TVs to watch someone else doing it.  That's what Donald Trump has on the other screen while he Tweets.

That second part is kind of deluxe but is still relatively trivial in a more modern context and the Rockhouse is hanging with it for the segment in which Pinocchio becomes a real boy.  Unknown what reaction that will get.  Up to about half way, I'd say the movie is pretty but only fluff.

Ed:  that was you playing the sweet boy?

Best I can do.  Frasers are supposed to be Bearers of Strawberries but I have no fucking strawberries, alright?

Note:  that's true about strawberries as that's on the clan crest.  From that I conclude my family came from a bunch of poofs in about the year 1000 who were sucking up to royalty by taking them strawberries.  That sucks.  I would rather have bank robbers and horse thieves for relatives.

Ed:  you worked for Royal Bank of Scotland.  Wasn't that close enough?

No because they weren't MY bank robbers and horse thieves.  I mean to keep it in the family.

The year 1000 is about where my genealogy dries up since we were Celts in Scotland but we were Celts already from that part of France so what were we before we were Celts.  There were Celtic tribes all over Europe so that spread goes deep into history.  I'm willin'; I just haven't found it yet.

Ed:  so you're claiming your people were in Europe before the Black Death got there?

Well, yes.

Ed:  what about the theories the Black Death didn't come from rats but rather you brought it?

I hadn't heard that one before but I like it.  That folds right back up to the bird and he's really going to fuck your shit up now.

Ed:  I thought you are not the bird?

I'm not but I could be for this.  Think of it, man.  I could wipe out half the world's population and I would have exclusive TV rights.  Even Goldman Sachs never had it this good.

Ed:  would you really do that?

It depends on whether the pay off is better to forego doing it than it is to go ahead and let it rip.  You must understand.  This isn't personal.  It's only doing business.  The family didn't have a horse thief previously but it has one now.  Yeehaw!

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