Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mister Make America Great is Behaving in Exactly the Same Way as Obama

Yep, let's have more sanctions since what else really identifies the ineffectuality of a man and it worked so well for Obama who never really accomplished anything.  (RT:  Trump considering sanctions against Russia & Iran over Syria – US envoy to UN)

Note:  Obama did show us a black President behaves the same as a white President and that's not a small thing but it wasn't accomplishment; he got that prize just for showing up.

So far it looks like there's no military fuck-up from the last sixteen years Trump has missed and he seems determined to try all of them although no-one has charged Iran with collusion on the manufacture of chemical weapons previously so that's a stupidly imaginative touch.

That Trump can accuse Russia of any engagement with the chemical weapons at all is some really stunning lizard behavior when he says that only days after St Petersburg was bombed by the same or similar terrorists as those Trump claims Russia supports in Syria.  Trump is gripping that asshole bar with both hands.

Ed:  the CIA is behind Trump because they want to hear him squeal like a pig.  He will, just like the others.

We have a premium show today since two churches were bombed in Egypt and ISIS claimed responsibility.  The Rockhouse has started the countdown until we hear Mike Pence announce Cuba did it and he's going to bomb the fuck out of Havana.

It makes perfect sense, see, since Cuba sends the suicide bombers over to Egypt in one of their submarines.  They're the equivalent of a Cuban SEAL team, see.

Meanwhile, there's resounding roaring swell from people who voted for fiscal conservatism and ... hey, hey, wtf is this.  Herr Drumpf has managed to get both teams pissed and the only ones behind him now are the wardogs who will back anyone who is killing something.  Wow, that's great, really great.

Ordinarily I would be concerned about Lotho getting torqued over this but I'm highly sure he didn't bargain for this either and wtf is Trump doing.  There are many who want the killing to stop and it's not just the Socialist Left.

So far, the funniest part is when Mitch McConnell's bluff was called on a replacement for Obamacare and he had nothing but Paul Ryan who also had nothing except some crumby report he wrote years ago.  All this time they were bluffing.  Now that aspect is just priceless.

It looks like Donald Trump has also been reading "101 Ways to Torch a Presidency" (available on Amazon) since he's not missing a trick with that list.

Consider the budgetary splendor when they try to kill any endowments for the arts.  Such governmental activities cost peanuts and the only reason for cutting them is to be a prick and punish people (i.e. liberals) for criticizing him.  Feel the joy as we consider the fact, he's not even begun to feel criticism yet since that budget has more bombs per square inch than the average mine field.

The beauty part is Trump doesn't have to defend these micropenile types of changes since he's put Congress in the position of doing it and now those mealy-mouthed throttlebottoms have no idea what to do.  Oh, no.  I'll lose votes in my home district if I support this.

We're anticipating a bountiful crop of doublespeak this season as they fall all over themselves making excuses for why they can't do it.

The Trump administration is kind of like feta cheese since it tastes the best when it crumbles.


Anonymous said...

Never worry about my feelings about your writings. But you have almost total blind faith that Russia is not at least guilty of propping up the regime. And by that are guilty by association of the chemical attacks.
I truly don't believe the bombing resulted in a cache being hit.
It is by most accounts the same air wing that was responsible for the last chemical attack.
I don't see an answer as Russia won't leave and the US won't if Russia stays. Russia won't leave as they believe the US will come in if they leave.
I am so tired of governments I can't stand it. Just like racism if it is just people not groups it would disappear. If government were run by people these conflicts would disappear

Unknown said...

If governments only acted like people since we can usually figure things out but it doesn't seem they ever can.

Unknown said...

P.S. I have seen fragments of weapons which seem to show they may have carried chemical weapons but there's so much smoke around all of this it's tough to tell and that's what makes the governmental theatrics about it all the more infuriating.

I will bury you!

Well, sure never heard that before.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe they would have launched unless they had very strong evidence. The fact that Putin said his support of Assad was not unconditional seems to say Yes we know he did it but we still a must stand strong

Unknown said...

I'm really not convinced of that after we heard them swearing on top of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir there were WMDs in Iraq. They shot their credible evidence all to hell quite a while ago.