Tuesday, April 11, 2017

If You're Not Believing American Cops Are Psychotic, Lake County, Florida, Will Convince You

We also apprehend violators of Sharia Law and, believe you me, we know what to do with those characters.  (RT:  ‘We’re coming for you’: Masked US deputies issue chilling warning to drug pushers (VIDEO))

Heroin dealers are public enemy number one according to a Florida sheriff who has warned drug “poison” pushers to expect armed police to “blow your front door off the hinges”.

In an intense video message, Lake County sheriff Peyton Grinnell and four masked agents attempt to strike fear into criminals selling drugs. 

Speaking directly into the camera and backed by colleagues in black balaclavas, Grinnell sought to reassure county residents by appearing to give criminals a heads up on police strategy.

- RT

Watson:  the solution is worse than the heroin!

You ain't seen nothin' yet, boobie.  That lout thinks he's Steven Segal with a Best Buy video camera which makes him the Kim Kardashian of carnage.

Watson:  anything for a photo op and a selfie?

You must have seen her work.

Some Facebook user just had to spoil their fun, tho.

“Pro tip: Don’t use public resources to make videos that look like they were directed by the ghost of Jihadi John,” said a Facebook user.

- RT

The Facebook user missed the best part since after Lake County Sheriff, Peyton Grinnell, catches the bad guys, he's going to cut off their fuckin' heads to spill their blood on the sand and hold up their newly-disconnected heads to Allah.  Then he's going to upload the video to YouTube.

Grinnell said there's nothing he hates so much as heroin and harlotry and he knows the porno you're watching, Testosterone Boy.  He's coming for you next.

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