Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Because the Bird, Bird, Bird is Still the Word, Word, Word

Tabatha the Terrorist Toucan is the latest Grand Splurge by the Rockhouse since the terrorists wanted $1.99 for her and she obviously needed a new home.

Watson:  why, why, why was the bird, bird, bird, the word, word, word?

See, Watson, that little bar in front of the bird, bird, bird is for solar.  As soon as I turn on the light, the bird starts swinging.  That's like the way rats, cockroaches, and politicians behave except they usually just run when any light is on them.  Tabatha swings.

Watson:  Tabatha swings?

Of course she does.

Tabatha swings
like a terrorist do
Red parrots on swing sets
two by two

You remember that song, right?

Watson:  don't look now, Professor Hawking, but you got shorted by one bird.

There were two birds but Republicans taxed the other one and took it.  Bastards.

The Bird inspired everything from the Vietnam War to the acceptable number of bug parts in a box of cereal.  This bird is truly the word.

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