Sunday, April 9, 2017

"Highway Star" | Giulia Marta Vallar | Original by Deep Purple

I don't get this much attention when I sit on the dining room table in my underwear while I play my guitar.  What am I doing wrong?

Ms Vallar has some excellent moves but this goes right to what Lotho was saying about Tina S.  In approaching the craft this way, they leave themselves no option except studio work since it doesn't seem any of them do original songs.  Studio work may be the dream come true for some or many since you will meet the best of the best that way.

Ed:  if you're heading for the idea men are more creative than women then do expect to see arrows in the sky

Nah, that's not the drift but I am wondering if men are more willing to be creative insofar as we're more willing to make fools out of ourselves.  That would warp things as well and might even be true although who knows how you could test for it.

Ms Vallar may be more inclined toward showmanship since wearing underwear for this and striking a suggestive pose couldn't be inadvertent.  From that the Rockhouse thinks her musical interest is more than the studio.  There's nothing wrong with the underwear and it's kind of amusing in a way like when a woman reaches over her head to stretch her arms.  She isn't trying to impress you with her breasts even though this stretch features them prominently; she just needs to stretch, you know.

"Highway Star" would be a good one to take out to bar bands but Ms Vallar needs to get cracking on those chords since lead guitar doesn't mean you only play the lead work; it means leading the band.  So do that ... in your underwear if you wish.

The creepy part, tho, is why are these kids playing forty-year-old songs.  That would have been like everyone in the Sixties trying to Swing and there was a little bit of that but not much.  Ms Vallar is likely only in her early Twenties at the oldest so why, why, why is this music the bee's knees for her?


Laughing Gecko said...

May not be original, but gotta admit, nice chops. Icing on the cake would've been a good stretch at the end!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a dose of The Pretenders would help. Joe Satriani meet Sammy Hagar and went from technical phenom to rock powerhouse. But still isn't a household name.
Even when Malmstein Vai and Satriani played together it was excellent but not popular.
They play 40 year old songs because there great songs. And they wished they were alive then.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking of a band like Heymarket Riot which played often at Alexander's and covered many Beatles songs. Maybe it happens but there doesn't seem to be a market in, say, a band making a big deal out of covering Bieber songs, etc. There are loads of 'tribute' bands roaming about covering Sixties material, tho. This strikes me as quite odd.

Unknown said...

The stretch would have made it perfect!