Sunday, April 9, 2017

Can We Believe Rex Tillerson?

Rex Tillerson says China is in agreement regarding problems with North Korea and agrees with the assessment Kim Jong Un has no more sense than the average grapefruit.  If Tillerson is true in saying this agreement exists and this does represent bilateral support for intervention then possibly such action is necessary.  (The Guardian:  Tillerson: China agrees on 'action' on North Korea as navy strike group sails)

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and other US ships, seen in the Philippine Sea in March. Photograph: MCS 3rd Class Matt Brown/AFP/Getty Images

Sure they're going to bomb them as that's the only choice for that lot.  When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.  Note:  possibly Abraham Maslow with that idea about hammers.

However, it's not that easy as we see from the things he said on "Face the Nation" this morning.

Tillerson told CBS’s Face the Nation, in an interview broadcast on Sunday, that when Donald Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping met at the Mar-a-Lago resort this week, they “had extensive discussions around the dangerous situation in North Korea”.

President Xi clearly understands, and I think agrees, that the situation has intensified and has reached a certain level of threat that action has to be taken,” Tillerson said.

- Guardian

WTF do you mean you think he agrees? Is the plan to start another Korean War without knowing if he agrees. Failing to do so just means the second act is Chinese troops coming over the mountain just like the last time.

From the other team we have Ed Markey:

Discussing that report on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, the Massachusetts senator Ed Markey, a Democratic member of the Senate’s foreign relations committee, said such moves would cause “an escalation of tension that could lead to nuclear war”. The US, Markey said, should work with China to establish direct talks with Kim, as the best way to tackle “this boiling, bubbling cauldron”.

- Guardian

Colorful imagery but useless.

The rest of the article gets editorial about Syria but this USS Carl Vinson task force will probably blow something up in a few days.


Laughing Gecko said...

Thomas Friedman made an interesting comment on the Korean situation the other night. He wondered what the Chinese response would be if the US said they might just withdraw our troops from S. Korea. South Korea would be like, what?!! If you're pulling out, we want our own nukes! Naturally, Japan would also be like, what?!! Then we want our own nukes too! How would China like all their border neighbors armed with nukes. Maybe this scenario would prod them into some restraint on N. Korea?

Unknown said...

If Tillerson is talking true then China is with this on getting him to behave and I suspect Friedman is right after the way India and Pakistan just had to have nukes. Tillerson was making it sound like they're ok with military action but I didn't see that in what Xi said.

Laughing Gecko said...

Yeah, I don't think China's cool with war on their border. I think they were trying to be polite and not make a big deal about it during a first meeting with Trump. They also clearly believe a N. Korean collapse would result in refugees scurrying like rats into China, which they don't want, and a S. Korea takeover of the North would have the US right on top of them as well. I think China would rather take over N. Korea like Russia did Crimea.

Unknown said...

It looks like there's agreement that NK needs to lighten up and stop provoking people but the US doesn't give such good lessons in that so there's the standoff. I suspect your extension of what comes from a war is dead accurate and nothing good can possibly come from it. More people is just what China needs, especially when they're refugees.