Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Where the Hell is Mozambique?

Mozambique has introduced me to some fascinating new people and one is extra-special because he's all-out Rasta and is so much engaged with the music over there.  He's the one who said he would introduce me to his friends if I could find my way over and he has some jammin' friends.

Note:  I think only Madagascar has lemurs but look how close!

My geographic knowledge is fairly good but I did not know exactly where Mozambique is located.

So ... right here:


I was advised today by another new friend over there Mozambique is beginning again a civil war and it's because of post-election fraud of some nature.

'Friend' on Facebook is a relative thing as online for Americans it isn't much more than a party favor but it's different for Euros and I see a bit more relaxed in Mozambique but still calling anyone a friend is not such a trivial thing as online over here.

The first friend's name is long and I don't want to spell it incorrectly.  It touches me in the finest kind of way to have met him at a Bernie Sanders 'rally' online.  In Mozambique, he is well aware of feeling the Bern and the irony is the unrest over there is also because of election fraud.

There is a lot more simpatico in the world than you may know but sometimes it touches me and that's the encouragement we can do better.

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