Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bill Clinton, the Most Ungracious and Inelegant Stooge for the GOP

We have reviewed NAFTA multiple times (Blog:  As to that Nuclear Abomination of NAFTA Endorsed by Hillary Clinton) and Bill Clinton is the shabby GOP suck who implemented it and helped break the unions even more viciously and comprehensively than Ronald Reagan.

He tries to cover his gross and self-serving failing of the Democratic Party by doing a half-ass shred of Barack Obama.  Clinton reduced the Federal deficit but he did that at the expense of the American worker and there isn't a Democrat since the party was founded who would ever support that.  Any Democrat who sells out the workers is labeled permanently and indelibly as a Republican, never to return.  (CNN:  Bill Clinton: Hillary can 'put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us')

Don Henley asks in "The Heart of the Matter," 'how can love survive in such a graceless age?'

As noted just about everywhere, Bill Clinton doesn't care about love, he only cares about boning Monica Lewinsky.

Among Bill Clinton's other catastrophic failures:  he launched the first attack against bin Laden and al Qaeda in Afghanistan during his administration.  It did not accomplish much and about eight years later New York City was bombed by bin Laden on 9/11.

(Ed:  bin Laden would have done it anyway!)

You don't know that and couldn't possibly know it.

Bill Clinton signed off on killing Glass-Steagall, the last step of the Ronald Reagan destruction of protections against abuses by the Big Banks.  George Bush followed by dropping the Federal tax rate further and with two wars the GOP never even came close to paying off.  The banking system around the world started collapsing, not because of that but exacerbated by it.

Given the catastrophic management of both of those administrations, it's almost a miracle that Barack Obama was able to turn their destructiveness around, at least to some extent.  There's a vicious irony in the backlash against him from those he aided the most as there's no way in hell anyone would be singing the praises of George Bush had not Obama pulled off, regardless of inadequacies, the financial recovery.  The same applies with Bill Clinton who would also have to own his share of the destruction if Barack Obama had not turned it around.

As Barack Obama said in the 2008 campaign against Hillary Clinton, "She will say anything.  She will not do anything."

He's precisely correct.  As you may have noticed, she did nothing but warmongering as Secretary of State and she was pushing fighter aircraft all over the world.  It wasn't until she was out as Secretary of State that substantial peace initiatives arose, specifically in Iran and Cuba,  both of which are shining examples of what American diplomacy is capable of doing when the GOP gunners are not allowed to transmogrify it into yet another killing campaign.

Hillary Clinton calls Libya a success and anyone who has followed the news even superficially can't help but have noticed the ongoing chaos in the country.  Given that success, we shudder at what she considers failure, particularly that she does not consider NAFTA to be one of the worst failures in the last thirty years.

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