Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bimbo Drones Set Image Standard for Women

Scan yer peepers over all the blondie TV drones who scream for equality and all kinds of things ... every one has one physical trait in common:  she is Hollywood gorgeous.

Now what's Miss Agnes to think out there as she sits alone on her sofa and watches the news from Megyn Kelly.  She knows Ted Nugent likes to get naked to watch her.  If I'm Miss Agnes, I probably hate the bitch ... and good for her.

If you check yer TV, if you ain't beautiful, you ain't shit.

It's not so much true for journos but you still won't find that many basset hounds.

(Ed:  men can look like basset hounds too!)

Um, Outraged Spectator, we all look like basset hounds eventually.

Maybe you think men don't have to be beautiful too but even Mickey Rourke was beautiful (before he got himself punched all to hell in boxing).  Women will run a mile for a man who has that kind of ugly beautiful.

Regular men don't look like that.  When we have flaws, they're fucking flaws and people don't like them.

Maybe you make a movie and call it "Ordinary People" ... but it doesn't have ordinary people in it, they just act like it.

So, who the fuck are you?  Who the fuck am I?  We're ordinary people so what is that.  Still don't know.

There is screaming all over the place about self-images and it's got so extreme even people who seriously need to do something about the image for health reasons don't do it because they have no idea what anyone needs to be, much less themselves.  When self-image comes almost solely from plasticine porters on tall TV towers, no wonder it is completely scrambled.

I've met a lot of Lesbians in my life but I can't say any who were Hollywood hot except just a few.  They looked like regular people, amazingly enough.  Then you check yer TV for Rachel Maddow and she's not Hollywood hot but she sure won't hurt your eyes either.  She is good for self-image to some extent because she's smart and intense so that can't hurt.

It's come further with an active crime against women from the bimbo drones because a substantial number are openly duplicitous and are participating in the overall blackout of Bernie Sanders.  That blackout is almost ubiquitous but it applies to many other things and likely there would be agreement or disagreement on which ones depending on which network but the fundamental is all of them are corrupt.

So women can be deceitful harridans if they're pretty and smile a lot?  Is that my self-image?

Obviously if someone is hot they will probably want to strut that out somewhere but that's a problem when nothing follows it.  Kim Kardashian is the first one likely to come to anyone's mind for that.

What self-image does she give you?

So then I wonder who pushes this.  If you have watched long enough, you have seen almost an inversion in newscasting because women do a tremendous amount of it and they sure didn't in the sixties and before.

Someone decided, for a purpose, to change that and give the news face time to the women.  That someone or many decided that face time can only go to 'starlets' and that model has been cultivated assiduously across the networks.

Who does that?

All men?  All women?  Just happened?

So, who are you.  Most of us probably look more or less ok and we can sometimes clean up nicely.  Many women don't have that and believe they have to do something more so who did that to them?

Most regular people can clean up nicely but women often feel they have to be like that all the time.  I really don't know for sure who makes it that way but I do know TV sure as hell does not help.

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