Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tonight @BernieSanders Looks for Grand Slam @HillaryClinton ... and Gets It

Bernie Sanders not only defeated Hillary Clinton in the primaries in Alaska and Washington today, he thrashed her with victories in the 70% to 80% range.  Any time there has been a Clinton win, it's been generally a tiny margin and was hardly impressive.  The polls will close in Hawaii in about ten minutes.

Note:  we're not considering Southern states because we're only interested in the ones in which the voters wear shoes.  Now we're into states with education, Clinton disintegrates.  One amusing aspect is Clinton did even worse in Alaska than she did in 2008 against Obama.  In fact, she's going backward.

(Ed:  what about Ohio?)

That's the home of Kent State.  Whenever someone tries to get an education there, President Nixon and Governor Rhodes will engage the National Guard to shoot them, four at a time if necessary.  You may notice the resemblance to what Obama / Clinton did to the OWS protests.  Same thing.

Laughing Gecko, it's your move ... along with busloads of Hawaiian Millennials, I'm trustin'.  Bring home the trifecta, Brother Gecko!  (larfs)

Donald Trump again has something right and even makes an important point in saying NAFTA was not Bill Clinton's idea, he was only the stooge who signed and implemented it; the idea and philosophy behind it actually came from Reagan is an extension of the disaster of Reaganomics rather than a novel new invention from the self-proclaimed Rhodes Radical.  (CNN:  Donald Trump reveals when he thinks America was great)

Something Trump omits from his stoner reverence for the fifties is this is the aftermath of Truman's fatal mistake in extending above-ground nuclear testing and so began the escalation during the fifties to the clear and present damage of immediate nuclear war, as we saw in 1962 with the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Yeah, great times.  Unfortunately for Trump, I remember them.  The McCarthy witch hunts were a special treat too, weren't they.

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