Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Ride the Dragon" CD Release

The "Ride the Dragon" CD has not been released and I hadn't been thinking about it much because it's a lot of bench work and we all hate bench work.

Some wanker on Facebook has inspired me, tho, as I would fall out of my chair laughing if I release the CD and then Facebook bans it; I would be crying laughing.

At the start when I made the cover I was curious if it would get banned so, ok, it will.  It's still not definitive, tho, as someone was confirming the Wanker badge for the Boy Scouts so it only means someone has a really gigantic ass or a penis as small as Donald Trump's.  We know Rubio must have a satisfactory wiener because he's been banging his Christian wife and his secretary or some such.  These guys are such holy saints, they kill me.  Lots of those on Facebook as well.

We still don't know if it will get thrown out of iTunes so we must know, right?  Is America really that petty.  It's not a hard thing to discover so you wanna do it??

The CD release is already paid and I only need to deliver the content to put it online within twenty-four hours.  Almost instant comedy.

To me, it's begging for it.

The songs queued for the CD are not even close to being released as jokes.  That's not the point.  The list isn't bolted to the floor but it easily could be.  I'll give it some thought as Yevette will likely split at noon and I could be abusively loud after that in reviewing songs.  Maybe so.

The cover isn't by any stretch obscene as it shows cartoon boobs from Second Life.  They're just boobs on a happy lady and she is ultra-gorgeous but she's not in any kind of an obscene pose.

The ultimate comedy:  the model is me.  I made the avatar and I'm the hot babe.  I'm tellin' you, there's no way to make up material like this.  My own fake babe body is banned for obscenity.

Only in Boston, man (larfs).

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