Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Queen of the Slave States

The only real success Hillary Clinton has been having has been in the Dixiecrat slave states and she has broken even or lost anywhere else.  In other words, she doesn't fare too well in any state where the people wear shoes.

However, that's not how news media are telling it.  She got a spectacular win in Louisiana and none have anything to say about Bernie Sanders winning two states next to that, both of which populated by people who actually attended school.

According to The Guardian:  Hillary Clinton sets sights on Michigan after big win in Louisiana – video.  Bernie Sanders won Kansas and Nebraska, both of which are surprising since heavy opposition was anticipated due to them living deep inside the Bible Belt.  He is further expected to take Maine today and there's, thus far, no evidence Hillary Clinton has any serious punch in people with an education.

That Clinton picks up delegates shows she uses the same GOP logic of sucking up to people by region of the country and she's been currying favor with the same Dixiecrats Donald Trump is romancing and keep in mind they started out as Democrats but they have always been racists.  That Clinton does well with them should give a good indication of the color of the stripe down her back.

There has also been illegal rich white guy privilege for Bill Clinton in giving him a pass for violation of Massachusetts election laws with testimony from one poll work, "He stopped traffic and voting in the polling station with his entourage for about half an hour."

This election is turning into even more of a travesty than the engineered election of George Bush v Al Gore.  That's part of what made the croaked Supreme Court judge, Al Capone or whatever his name was, famous and another was Citizens United.  Real hero, that one.

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