Sunday, March 6, 2016

Facebook Prigs Take a Weenie Win - They Fucking Kill Me!

Score one for the simpletons as someone must have protested the "Ride the Dragon" CD cover for the gross indecency of it.

That's not really why the protest as it's run through there multiple times but someone just wanted to be a small-minded asshole and dick me around over something else.  Don't look for a Nobel Prize out of Facebook as it ain't goin' happen.  Yesterday some Einstein was going on about how chem trails (i.e contrails from condensation from aircraft motors) affect cows, some kind of silly shit like that.  Today it was a flat Earth.  I'm tellin' you, it's the Cuckoo's Nest.

Facebook has blocked me for twenty-four hours, presumably so they can lick each other's asses in privacy but they don't mind if I watch ... they're twisted that way.  Seriously, I can look but don't touch.  So don't do me any favors (larfs).  I logged out.

This doesn't even come up to the level of a high school home room.

To whomever did it, I hope you get laid someday.  Really (snicker).  Consider losing fifty kilos or so to improve your chances.

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