Thursday, March 3, 2016

How Hillary Clinton Will Work Her Health Care Plan

In short, she won't.  Her proposal to cover the uninsured Americans is the same as the public option of the Affordable Care Act that's been attacked more aggressively than anything since Roe v Wade.  Obama tried for eight years to implement it but America would have nothing of it.

Now Hillary Clinton thinks she will wave a magic wand and people will yield for her.

If you believe that, here's a ticket to Disneyland.  Here's some popcorn for the kids.

Clinton has dismissed the problem of insuring people who have no insurance and waved it off as an easy thing ... man, we just extend Obamacare.  You know, let me talk about Obama and what a wonderful guy he is and ...

Nicely glib but ten percent of Americans is about thirty million people.  That will cost a bundle and America has already been abundantly clear it will not pay for it.

Neither should America be required to pay for it as the offset to Bernie Sander's health care plan is the conversion of all the money going to medical insurance companies now.  Some you will keep after that and the rest will go to the medical community.  It will go to zero parasites in the middle.  The government couldn't run up costs like the insurance companies if it took your money and burned it.  There's massive, wasteful duplication of process by insurance companies insofar as all do generally the same thing.  That's your money down the toilet.

In Clinton's health care plan, there's nothing to prevent what happened to me.  They can't cancel you for a pre-existing condition but they can cancel you for whatever else they like.  That's life-destroying power and they are not responsible enough to wield it.

In the same way, Hillary Clinton is not responsible enough to wield the office of the Presidency.

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