Thursday, March 3, 2016

Books, I Have Books

For y'all, this is nothin' but for me it's a big, big deal.  The Half Price Books store was located in River Oaks in Fort Worth and I came away with four books for fifteen bucks, all in surprisingly good condition.  Fifteen bucks, man!  I love used bookstores.  Yevette was diggin' it too as she was sitting cross-legged on the floor in a different section as she went through her discoveries.

The Books:

"Otherland" (volume one) is on a five star recommendation from Kannafoot but otherwise I know little about it.

"Football" is an old-time aliens invade Earth story but it's been regarded well for ages.  I have not read that one either.

"The Mote in God's Eye" is something I regard as the best sociological review of human reproductive excesses I have ever read and there are fascinating insights beyond that as well.

"The Gripping Hand" is the sequel to "The Mote in God's Eye" but I did not know until today it existed.  Given the insight of the first, this one was mandatory.

All my life books around have been around everywhere but they're tough to hold once things start collapsing.  The iPad was employed for a while for reading and it got a serious try with multiple books but the final verdict was the only thing worse for reading than an iPad is darkness.

There hasn't been a move yet on the green screen and the money hasn't been blown but my corpus has been running in a debilitated state and it's not really clear why but it's hard to put fuel into it, well, and keep it inside.  The money won't get blown as I didn't buy reefer last month and it's still not gone.


Anonymous said...

There is a cool cafe downtown. An old house converted to a cafe each room is a dining room with book shelves. As a patron you can take a book to read just bring one back or give it to someone else that reads
They buy books from Goodwill or the used book stores

Unknown said...

So many beautiful things like that which get almost no publicity. The news crew will send a remote unit out to cover some guy who tortured his dog, tho. We need that information! (larfs)