Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Dangers of Underdosing on the Phuquitol

Phuquitol is one of the few modern drugs which provides a significant psychotherapeutic role and, in large part, it was delivered so psychiatrists could tell clients what they charge without getting murdered.

Phuquitol is the drug which amplifies the 'Fuck That' circuit in the brain.  For example, the Fuck That circuit will activate automatically on obvious cues such as an invitation to join around a campfire in a neighborhood sing of Taylor Swift's greatest hits.  Right, fuck that.

The Fuck That circuit has an inherent vulnerability in that its cycle time is not fast enough to keep up with the number of trivial things which will get in your face masquerading as crises.  Our biology did not prepare us for the overwhelming volume of bullshit which comes at us on a constant basis.  Previously our biggest problem was saber-tooth tigers but now it's Bill O'Reilly.  It was better with saber-tooth tigers because it was fast and you didn't have to wait for congestive brain failure as will inevitably come through bombardment by Bill O'Reilly.

And thus it's clear why Phuquitol is such a medical miracle.  This amazing drug permits the Fuck That circuit to trigger repeatedly without any significant recycle time in-between.

Somebody cuts you off in traffic:  fuck that, he's an asshole.

Megyn Kelly says something stupid:  fuck that.  Nugent has it wrong.  Instead of stripping naked to watch her, imagine her naked watching you.  You don't need sound with her.  Fuck that.

Your Fuck That circuit is instantly empowered to give you the personal confidence and calm strength to blow off fucking anything.

PHUQUITOL - When you feel like saying fuck it, give us a call

Caution:  be sure you take enough of it.  There's a lot of bullshit out there.


Anonymous said...

If you do not have a refillable on this You should really get one.
I tried researching this in order to buy stock in the Big Pharma responsible but alas no results

Unknown said...

The SEC wanted them to file their business information for public trading but I'm sure you can imagine what they said.