Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Karl Rove Goes for the Kindergarten Crowd

When the Republican Party, in general, and Karl Rove, in particularly, have rather less public appeal than New York City bedbugs, the party needs to go the extra distance to find voters.  We see this with Karl Rove as he does his reach kindergarten children who have been abandoning the party en masse because of canceled lunch programs and undermined veterans programs.   Rove wants them to understand the primary problem with Donald Trump.

Yes, kids, he has cooties.

(Ed:  wtf is a cootie?)

No idea.  I've been here fifty years and have heard the term many times but I still haven't any notion of what it means.  Whatever they are, you don't want them, much in the way of people like Karl Rove.

Yes, of course it's Photoshopped but who better as a target than that evil buffoon.  What he should have received is summary execution by the World Court.

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