Monday, September 14, 2015

Searching for Ithaka Breaks 400,000 - Wow

Takes an awkwardly humble bow.

The number is humbling as it imposes a responsibility to take it seriously and stop fucking around.

(Ed:  isn't it fucking around to use language like that?)

Nah, that's speaking economically.  Fucking around is if I tell you of the report of Donald Trump having sex with a chicken.  It's a ridiculous idea as everyone knows chickens don't like him that much.  If it's too ridiculous, it wastes your time and you leave so that's fucking around.

What's Hot each day shows a mix of serious articles balanced with way off the wall and it's unusual but it's a good challenge to keep that going.

Thanks to the long-term irregulars for hanging with it and thanks to more-recent irregulars who have only just discovered it.

More to come but no idea what, it just happens.  Hope you enjoy it in a variety of ways.

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