Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kim Davis Salary for Doing Nothing is $80,000 - Praise Be ... the Bankers

Now that Kim Davis has done such a stellar job of demonstrating white privilege, it's novel to discover how much she is paid for doing nothing:  $80,000 annually.

As of five or so years ago, that was roughly the same scale paid to someone managing a bank branch. Running the branch isn't much more exacting than being a teller so they don't pull the big bucks.  They act like they're worth a million bucks when you go into the branch but those ones aren't involved in much of anything.  It's one of the worst jobs you can get in terms of requirement for expensive threads and a pile of overhead to get a job which may not ever get you downtown.

So this woman is sure paid well enough to dress like she wasn't pulled out of a Salvation Army dumpster but perhaps it's her fashion to look frumpy.

We're smokin' that someone doing such a mindless job is paid such a ridiculous amount of money to do it ... and then won't even fuckin' lift a finger.

Total reversal on this one:  fire her immediately.

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