Monday, September 14, 2015

How Goes Trump versus Sanders

Trump has the possibly unbeatable advantage in the GOP and it's not his obviously faster mind.  He has zero government history while the others drag political minefields behind them ... or they drag nothing at all which is even worse as that's evidence of poor performance.

Pundits forecast his fail but it's the same boilerplate story to be used for any candidate who jumps out in front in any election.

The only suitable comparison for Trump is Sanders because the political baggage behind Sanders is immaculate to point and purpose.

On external corruption, they come out seemingly even because neither is beholden to Super PAC money, although some question of that with Trump.  However, Sanders has some edge as he has lived the Washington life with no evidence of corporate bribery whereas Trump was deep in the corporate world and no-one has any perception of that environment conducting itself with any sense of righteous behavior.

For mind power, there is an interesting contest.  Both are exceptionally bright individuals.  Trump carries it in a gauche and flashy way whereas Sanders is restrained while obviously passionate.  They have radically different styles and yet both are high brain-weight.

Showmanship won't play for the last round as it's all fun and games playing shoot 'em up with the candidates on your own team as that won't be much remembered because people only care about who wins.  When it comes to the actual Presidential showdown, Trump will have to deliver some serious product and he won't be able to play some self-important journo to deflect any answers.

This could actually become a Titanic Duel as Trump will have to show the real cards because this crap about a Wall on the border with Mexico is ludicrous rubbish and he's easily intelligent enough to know that but it's a great play because it's the kind of electioneering which people know won't happen but it plays large like Disneyland.

Some still think Carson is a player but anyone who throws the Bible into it so much has nothing else worth hearing.  For any truly religious person I ever knew, their religious faith was the foundation of what they said and was not the content of it.  There are so many other faults in his past that he's not credible.  For example, in his early history there were a great many state benefits supporting him but those are the same benefits he would deny others now.  It doesn't even take a strong wind to blow this strawman down.  He should not look to unwarranted support from black people as I have friends and I listen to them.  Carson ain't happening.

As to the other GOP pseudo-candidates, the tribe needs their water more than it needs their voices, particularly in California because the Sierra snowpack is at a five-hundred-year low.

So that's the current view from down in the Texas wasteland.  Looks like only two bets.  Which of Sanders and Trump takes it and what's the spread.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sanders is just another tax and spend super liberal
The estimated costs of his plans 18trillion but no worries his tax increases cover almost 6.5 trillion.
I dont care who is in office but when will any politican understand you cant borrow your way to prosperity. Has not Greece Spain Puerto Rico taught anyone anything
Put in any plans you want just pay cash for them. I have to pay for what I have Why dont the politicans