Monday, September 14, 2015

Some Blog Changes for Robustilicity


New tab up top which will list off the last five hundred articles.  Turns out that only goes back to June and that's a little unusual as, wow, I seem to write one hell of a lot.  The purpose in doing this is to present all these titles and then consider, ok, what could a program do with them which provides something of any particular interest.  Maybe nothing so they sit there for now.  The links to the articles are hot so it's not just some little mind game.


That's the CD image in the sidebar but it doesn't link to anything.  The object is to have previews of articles pick up at least something halfway cool as an image if the article doesn't have one in its contents.  That doesn't matter for the blog but it matters in the message which goes out to Twitter, Facebook, etc to describe the article.


The system is being used to feed updates regarding Blogger articles to Twitter.  Those in turn feed up to Facebook.  This saves some really annoying steps and it has already started working so that one will be under observation for a bit to see how it behaves.  So far, so good.

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