Monday, September 14, 2015

And Be Good for Goodness Sake

Well, that 'un is a bit of a tall order isn't it.  Seems like an easy thing and I know I want to do it, you want to do it, but then we look at the news and a whole shitload of people aren't doing it.

So I scratch my head and I imagine you scratch yours as well as you wonder what good does it do doing good if no-one else is doing it.

Social networks can put you in the sewer as there is rampaging anger within them.  That has been carried back here frequently which is about as sensible as Pope Francis asking Mike Huckabee for spiritual advice and then delivering it to the faithful from the Vatican.

(Ed:  this blog is like the Vatican?)

Please excuse the excessivisity as we were hoping for a bit of latitude on this one.

(Ed:  latitude?  You're asking for the whole fookin' hemisphere!)

Well, ok, so the blog isn't so much like the Vatican but it does have a strange guy who wears strange clothes and spouts inexplicable things.  Hopefully you will grant these points of similarity.

(Ed:  just don't be starting any Inquisition.  You start that shit and we'll find you.)

Frankly, in this (cough) Vatican, we were thinking more along the lines of adoring, nubile, young acolytes feeding us grapes.

Note:  virgins need not apply although we will consider applications on a case by case basis.

In fact, a Vision is coming to me now.  I'm seeing water, lots of water.  It's steaming and it's shooting up into the air.

(Ed:  it's just Scott Walker playing with a rubber duck in a hot tub)

See, that's what I'm sayin'.  So many negative waves, man.

This Vision is of Yellowstone but it's going to have to stay a Vision rather than a Reality because I have received through the vapors and the ether from the Spirits of the Indian Warriors, do not think of insulting us by coming up here in your shabby ass pajamas.

Fair enough, Indian Warriors.

(Ed:  what does that have to do with being good?)

Ask me again if you piss them off and have a whole sheaf of arrows sticking out of you such that you are now the new vision of Hellboy.

Note:   yes, that was a coded message.  Have fun decoding it, creepy NSA peepers.  It probably has something to do with terrorism, what do you think.

(Ed:  so what was good about that?)

I give them job security and ask for nothing in return although some naked video of Charlize Theron would be ok, you know, that one in which she is sitting alone, naked in a chair, and so melancholy because Silas is not there with her.  Of course, one thing leads to another and ... well ... that video would be ok.

(Ed:  I never saw such a video)

Well, neither have I but if the NSA has one I would like to see it.

(Ed:  so, what's good?)

Dunno, man.  How's with you.

Note:  relax as to any Shirley Temple conversion as, first, I wish to retain as many of my parts as possible for as long as possible and, second, I don't have dimples.


Political correctness is a poor substitute for critical thinking – Christine Assange

1 comment:

Old Faithful said...

Vicarious vision will suffice.