Saturday, April 8, 2017

Well, At Least the Syrian Missile Strikes Cost a Couple of Hundred Million Dollars

This isn't the Madison Avenue version of the Syrian air strikes in which we see only stock military clips of cruise missile launches as that footage could have been edited in Arizona for all the difference it makes when it gets to your home TV screen.

Here's what really happened.

As always, the Pentagon is good at wasting a ton of money but not much else.  The strikes didn't even do that much damage and you can see the proof of that in the drone footage.

Ed:  that's probably some other airport to fool us.  That's how those pinkos do, you know.

If that were true then it would have been spotted and Nikki Haley would be screaming bloody murder just now as the drone footage is all over the place on YouTube.

As the Russians said, it was an 'exercise in efficiency' but who does that better than Washington.


Anonymous said...

On an RIO basis it is a wash
$60m wasted on Tomahawks $60M wasted on MIGs
But 6 more dead added to the 80+ killed by the gas attack.
And can anyone tell me why or Who started it.
And the leaders wonder why no-one likes them or trusts them

Unknown said...

Exactly. Endless death and destruction which doesn't even have a purpose beyond making more death and destruction. It's straight out of "Wooden Ships" ... who won the war?

Anonymous said...

I believe your last line should be inefficiency.
I am sure the Pentagon is blaming Trump for the poor results. That the attack needed more foreplay. Trump doesn't seem like a forplay kind of guy

Unknown said...

We have seen his proclivity for just grabbing. This looks like more of the same since it didn't do much.